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Ugly Starfish

Discussion in '☋ Diving and Marine Life ☋' started by The Dane, Mar 1, 2007.

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  1. The Dane

    The Dane DI Senior Member

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    I found this ugly guy in Apo Island Marine Reserve.

    Somebody told me that they often take this critter up on the beach for a drying because this guy eats and destroy a lot of coral.

    I left him sitting where he was and snorkeled on, but he sure is ugly :smile:

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  2. rmlupu

    rmlupu DI Junior Member

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    I have a pic of him as well. A fisherman told me not to touch him under any circumstance that he was quite toxic. I have no idea myself. All I can say this one has the look of "don't touch" ;-)
  3. earlmj

    earlmj DI Senior Member

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    Crown Of Thorn Starfish

    THIS IS A KILLER !!!! Name ACANTHASTER PLANCI the " Crown of thorns "
    It feeds only on Life coral tissue and it notorious for killing major part of the Australian Barrier Reef ! It has no preditors that is accept ONE !! SMALL SHRIMP!!
    The Harlequin Shrimp ( Hymenocera picta ) This shrimp has an injection pistol on one of the paws (claws) and that will inject a even more deatly toxine ( neuroleptinum) into the starfish . It will amputate the leg and will try to " bring it home "
    Problem with Starfish is they consist at of mostly 5 legs and each leg has its OWN central Nerve System and these legs can grow back !!!! The COT has somewhat between 9 and 24 legs and thus is creating a bigger problem . One sinle COT can kill a squre meter of coral during the night . Yep, they are Nocturnal because I already spoke about the Nocturnal life of many reefbuilding corals that will only extend their polyps at night an so...Some nice pictures I have atached . Both of the COT in several colorphases and the cute shrimp.One can clearly see the " injector "one the picture !!

    Some BIG fish Do eat the COt like the Cheillinus Undulatus ( Napoleon Wrasse or MAMING PARROT ) and large triggers that have their own tricks how to avoid contact with the stinging cells.

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