Sorry I miss counted the number of moles. It is really 18 moles and one wort. He provided all the modern and necessary equipment and supples. 2500 / 19 = 131.5 Pesos each. Not bad in my thinking. He wanted to do more, at no additional cost, but I stoped him at that point. I did not have to violate the 24/7 curfew. He also had his wife (driver) and his medical assistant during the visit/procedure. They all wore masks. The most pain was the injection of the Novocaine. Even though I growled a couple of time, hitting my thumb with a hammer hurt more. Hope this answers your questions.
This is just a suggestion and must not be proceeded with without a full medical opinion having been sought: When there are a very large number of moles, does it become cheaper simply to keep the moles and just remove the person?
Well that might very well be true at my age. Last May the 5 I prepaid for my cremation at 36,000.oo pesos. I did the math, that is 36,000.oo for each procedure compared to 131.5 = 35,868.5 peso savings! To break even I would have to remove 273.75 moles. I do not have that much skin.
NO my friend - I was NOT suggesting you get cremated! That really is an EXTREME way of removing moles.
i've had good results getting rid of moles by applying a cotton swab soaked in vinegar. it can take a few applications, some more than others. short course: 1. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. 2. Secure the cotton ball to your skin tag with a bandage. 3. Remove it after 10 to 15 minutes. 4. Wash the area with soap and warm water 5. Allow the area to dry — don’t put a bandage over the skin tag. 6. Repeat daily for two weeks. ymmv...
In most cases what persons deem as a heat rash is actually a fungus. Get some Canesten or Clotrimazole cream. Apply lightly twice a day until it is gone and than apply for 2 more days. I would bet it's the fix. Be confident that it is not shingles and stop usage if worsens.
I often wonder how on earth you manege to put all that into one paragraph on your phone. Makes reading very difficult.