When I read a comment like this, made without knowing the sources from which my information was derived, my only option is to consider the source of such ignorant content, obviously emanating from a brain of a well below-average IQ. That “source” is an absolute fool and likely a common troll. I am certain that he/she has no authoritative science background. Apparently he/she/it knows how to surf the web and google “Taiwan covid” but does not know how to differentiate a reliable source such as Taiwan’s government disease control organization from other sites, perhaps even influenced by WHO and PRC politics. Go away troll and I will not go thru the effort of giving you my cites. Go the “the google” lol and find something reliable; then come back and make the comments that your lack of actual science knowledge do not qualify you to make. Your weird argument that Taiwan and South Korea learned from the 2003 SARS outbreak is irrelevant and if anything bolsters the argument that a total lockdown is not necessary, my original point. Idiot. In Taiwan, the coronavirus pandemic is playing outhout a lockdown look like? 5/10/2020 In Taiwan, the coronavirus pandemic is playing out very differently. What does life without a lockdown look like? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/taiwanese-authorities-stay-vigilant-virus-crisis-eases-n1188781 1/1 In Taiwan, the coronavirus pandemic is playing out very differently. What does life without a lockdown look like? One economy that managed to avoid a lockdown, and which has been functioning better than many others, is Taiwan's. The island appears to have emerged from the crisis relatively unscathed. It managed to keep its 11 million-strong labor force working and its economy running. It has recorded only about 400 cases of coronavirus and six deaths even though it lies off the coast of China, where the outbreak was discovered, and even after it saw a recent spike in imported cases. Sent from Mail for Windows 10
On the issue of Taiwan, I wrote a long piece (here somewhere) where I quoted some of the 124 measures they took to control the virus. The principal ones were: * VERY FAST actions * Closing down flights inwards before other countries * Mandatory face mask use combined with social distancing - with heavy fines for not doing so * A total ban on face mask exports and ramping up production into the millions per day * 99% health coverage for citizens - meaning they were not afraid to attend hospital So, have an obedient society (not necessarily the same as repressed) and a smart government and you get results. I compare this with the UK, still allowing people to enter the country without being checked and without being quarantined but SAYING they WILL start this AT THE END OF MAY. FFS - they've had MONTHS to do this and if they already know it is necessary (essential actually) then do it NOW.
The issue in UK is that the Government is very insecure - result of all the Brexit nonsense. They still have fairly relaxed quarantine measures compared to other countries in a much better situation, but are not even enforcing those properly for fear of public backlash.
The UK government (Tories) left the lock-down too late and are facing the consequences. In fact they were the only countries not to have an airport quarantine. Coronavirus: UK to bring in two-week quarantine for air ...
I don't want to get political here BUT: The Tories look after their own - so they allowed private jets loaded with the wealthiest to fly in (why in the hell these people wanted to come into the UK at this time beggars belief, probably shows money and brains don't always come in the same package) and without quarantine or testing. Now they are regularly picking up illegal immigrants from the English Channel (in spite of paying France millions to stop them leaving to cross the Channel) and assisting their illegal entry (a criminal offence for anyone else). I assume they will be quarantined but anything is possible in the UK - certainly they will be given cash and set free in many cases, some to disappear forever. Almost 100% are from the Middle East (did you guess?) but don't seem interested to try to sneak into other ME countries, such as Saudi. I wonder why. A sort-of 'lockdown' was made to stop people moving to their second homes but that was announced a day after the Royals scarpered off to hide in their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc homes (guessing they got a tip off from someone seeking a Knighthood). EoR (for the person who asked us to explain abbreviations: End of Rant).
Certainly would be expected - they could not all be asymptomatic or low-level. This is why I wrote about 'Time to take a risk' - using the evidence available in front of you.
@djfinn6230 I am sorry for the misunderstanding. I was not referring to you personally when I stated: "We can only assume that people are too stupid to search the Internet, read and learn from other peoples mistakes." I was referring to the leaders of countries that are currently under lockdown (UK and USA). From past experiences, Taiwan and South Korea have learned how to contain an outbreak . For example Taiwan has implemented 124 measures to keep the virus from going out of control and requiring a lockdown. As a result Taiwan had less than 300 active cases (400 total). With these measures, they were able to keep the economy going. Meanwhile things got out of control in the US and UK to the point that they had to lockdown and stop their economies at horrific costs. My comment was referring to the leadership of the UK and the USA (not you) who are causing extensive damage to their economies by locking them down instead of having leaned from the Taiwanese and South Korean historical experiences. The leadership of the US and UK would have been much better off had they read about and learned how the Taiwainese and South Koreans learned from previous experiences. So let me rephrase my comment: We can only assume that people (US and UK leadership) are too stupid to search the Internet, read and learn from other peoples mistakes. I am sorry if a misunderstanding led you to taking this personally. I agree with you in that they should have not had to lockdown. Taiwan https://www.dw.com/en/taiwan-coronavirus/a-52724523 South Korea https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/me...ovid-19-exceptionalism/ar-BB13GoFt?li=BBnbfcL
DOH here reported late yesterday that they had just received back the results of almost 190 swab tests, all negative, and that there are ZERO cases of the virus in Negros Oriental still. Only 4 total since this began. Yeah, I wear a face mask when I go out, but I feel pretty good going out. Hope the restaurants can get back open with some restrictions on occupancy and distancing. And let's get rid of the stupid alcohol ban along with many other restrictions. A lot of nonsense.
And that is where I see a lot of the futility here in the country. Face it, not all, but a very vast majority of the Filipino people have lived their entire lives with no discipline and order. Now what the governments are trying to do is impose it on them in a few weeks. It will take more than a few weeks to instill order and discipline in this country, if they ever manage to do it.