I should add that a deep cycle type lead acid battery should be used. The automotive starter type batteries will fail quickly when being used for sustained loads.
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My late husband was an electrician and we had a UPS for our pc when we lived there. He told me the purpose of the UPS was to allow time to save any work, and let you turn off the pc safely, before shutting down. He told me not to try to rely on it for extended periods of time.
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My friend installed a deep cycle battery in his farm tractor. That fried his alternator, twice.-
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Just some random thoughts.
a 10 watt solar panel should produce about 800 ma at 12 volt???
a 40 amp hour battery might be okay with a float charge of 800 ma????
I don't know if there is a curve available for solar panel voltage vs load impedance???
a 40 amp hour battery should store about (12v x 40amp hours) = 480 watt hours
480 watt hours divided by a 30 watt load = 16 hours of internet.
Tomorrow I might haul out the solar panel that is sitting in garage and doing nothing and make some voltage and current measurements.
Does anyone know off hand the voltage input for a Filproducts router?-
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Has anyone thought about using 12 volt to power their modem directly from a battery? Then having a battery charger to charge the battery.
This would be a lot more efficient because there would not be an inverter between the battery and the modem.
The modems are usually 12 volt dc powered by a transformer that plugs into the 220 vac wall socket.-
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APC have a good range. Cheap units if its just for your Modem Router.
https://www.apc.com/shop/ph/en/products/APC-Back-UPS-650VA-230V-AVR-Universal-Sockets/P-BX650LI-MS runs a 30W Modem - Wi-Fi for 1 hour 8 mins. 30W is you Fil Prod Modem running on max, average Wi-Fi runs at 20W max avg 6W so the 1 hour 8 minutes would be the worst case.
2688 PHP from Laz https://www.lazada.com.ph/catalog/?...spm=a2o4l.pdp_revamp.search.go.77fc677c4TMQbX
Micro Vallley on Locsin had some APC brand UPS. Easy to do a check their models vs Lazada + delivery prices.-
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I'm getting your point about cost I corrected my 1/2CV^2 calc.
It looks like it would take about 30 of those 3000 Farad capacitors to replace an 8 ah battery. That would be 44K pesos to replace a 1000 pesos battery. I guess we will have to wait a while for Ultra capacitors to become widely used.
That's too bad it's cool technology.-
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Best Answer
It would seem that there should be a simple math equation to estimate the time up but there really isn’t. APC is one if the largest UPS manufacturers and they say that their 1000 VA 550 watt unit will keep 150 watts running for about 10 minutes. Your modem plus wifi is probably around 30 watts. By using the same ratios you would get about 60-70 minutes which based on my experience seems about right. That is with just the 30 watt modem-router connected. I think the Fil Products is one combined modem-router powered by a 15 watt Max wall watt in which case you may get 2 to 2.5 hours. That’s about it but I may be off by +/- an hour.
I would assume that the annoying beeping sound is there. I have 2 different brands which beeped like that and I had one in the US that had the annoying beep.
We have Fil Products too. The internet has always stayed up during brownouts.
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