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Unity Beach, Dauin Seabed

Discussion in '☋ Photo Board ☋' started by The Marine, Feb 20, 2007.

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  1. The Marine

    The Marine DI Junior Member

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    As much as I wish it was the case, the entire area here is not corals... there are quite a few rocks and sandy bottoms... These photos give a good idea of what you can expect outside of the sanctuaries... There are however still a tremendous amount of corals and reefs that are outside the sanctuarues....

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  2. OP
    The Marine

    The Marine DI Junior Member

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    Is Sand the Only Thing To See?

    THere is quit e abit of marine life to see away from the corals... the rocks and vegatation are the host to a large amount of life and offers some of the more unique things you can see as well. I shoul dbe taking th ecamera down to the DUCOM pier area in the next few days and that is a great example of the true diversity and downright strange things that can be found in the local waters...

    The last photo is the incline coming up to the beach by our house... the algea and seaweed provide a great breeding gorunds for the marine life in the area and is where we manage to catch most of the fish in our aquarium from.

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