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Best Posts in Thread: up date on Phil Prins

  1. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    I have read and heard more about people going to Zanzibar now than I ever heard about before the fatal event. Just goes to show there really is no such thing as bad publicity. For me, I'll continue to boycott it on the grounds that killing the customer whose purchases pay the salaries can never be justified and should not be rewarded with future profits.
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  2. denpet

    denpet DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    There was a case in the nineties (well not the last five years) where the mayor and his two body guards gunned down an american on open street.
    They thought they would get away with it. But nope. The lawyer who drove the case transfered the trial to Luzon, as the 'suspects' were too connected in Cebu. All got long prison sentences. The mayor couldn't cope with being locked up and died in prison soon after the conviction. The other two are still locked up.
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    :meh: Is it obvious though? It was closing time. Employees get rides from bf's/friends/relatives all the time. Go outside Why Not/Revive/Prime/any other club in the city/country around closing time and you will see the exact same thing happening. If this were "backup" all those people wouldn't have walked away or into the bar acting like they didn't know anything about what was going on.

    I don't think anything is going on in Dumaguete. There has always been violence in "the city of gentle people"....especially around christmas/holidays/elections. The city has grown quite a bit in the last 5-10 years. More people = more crime. It is still pretty easy to avoid getting killed in Dumaguete though: stay away from the drug scene, stay out of politics and don't try to fight/threaten the locals or treat them like crap and your chances of getting killed here are extremely slim.
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  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Head trauma: First aid - Mayo Clinic
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  5. reich31e

    reich31e DI Member

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    Just saw the CCTV footage. This is a tragedy and could have been avoided. We don't know exactly what happened especially inside the Bar. But it appears that Phil
    were looking after a Filipino when he came out of the Bar. We don't know what the heated argument was all about outside of the Bar which caused
    this brutal attack on him.
    This is a reminder to all of us. Stay out of trouble with Filipinos if possible. They are not afraid to kill you for nothing. Just walk away from trouble if possible.
    I know it's not easy sometimes. But it's not worth fighting with them. At the end you will be the looser.
    I feel very sorry for Phil and his Family. Dying so young for nothing is hard to accept.
    And hopefully this cowards don't see the light of the day anymore.
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  6. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    So ot seems like the press jist print what people want to hear! So we shoul all take everything we read and watch with a pinch of salt here.
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  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    +5,232 / 1,090
    Not really wanting to get involved with this but I have just seen on the news that the Bar/Club is now closed for Operating without a License and the Bouncer has been arrested.
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  8. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Maybe lots of lessons to be learned from watching both the inside and outside videos. The location, the time, the behavior. Whatever, may Phil Prins rest in peace and may the right people be held accountable and punished.
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  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I just posted this elsewhere so I will share it here as well.

    1. The first appearance of Mr. Prins comes when he goes into the "VIP" seating to ask to bum a smoke from the bars manager. Nothing unusual happens here or until the bar is preparing for closing.
    2. The bouncer (guy with his shirt off...and who hit Mr. Prins with a bottle) comes in and is walking around the bar with a flashlight looking for items/trash on the floor and turning off lights preparing for closing for about 15 minutes. The bar is mostly empty at this point.
    3. The bouncer goes to the back of the bar and goes out of site on the opposite side of the bar where Mr. Prins is sitting. At this point there seems to be some sort of disagreement/argument between an unknown (to me) female and someone sitting where Mr. Prins is supposedly sitting (Mr. Prins does not come into view in the video until later as he is sitting in a blind spot.) Another girl comes over and seems to be trying to get the upset girl to leave, she doesn't. At this point the bouncer comes back into view on another camera on the other side of the bar still looking for things on the floor with the flashlight.
    4. The bouncer then goes under the bar door on the right side of the bar and walks around to flip a light switch off on the side that Mr. Prins was sitting at and then climbs over the counter on the left side of the bar and continues looking for things on the floor with his flashlight. The parking boy (little guy) comes in the bar and starts helping the bouncer at this point.
    5. The bouncer and parking boy goes around to the right side of the bar checking the floor then comes back around to the left side still looking for things on the floor (visible to the camera in the front of the bar). They walk back behind where Mr. Prins for about 5 seconds then come back out still looking for things on the floor (the girl in number 3 is still talking/arguing with Mr. Prins when the bouncer goes out of view).
    6. When they come out Mr. Prins is following them with chest puffed out, arms out and head/chin out (basically a "let's fight" posture). The bouncer turns around to listen to what Mr. Prins is saying for a second or two then turns his head back down to the floor. When he does this Mr. Prins right arm comes up and taps/slaps the bouncer on the cheek (very lightly, the bouncer's head did not recoil any at all from this). The bouncer looks at him for a second after this and then turns around and walks around to the other side oft he bar.
    7. Mr. Prins follows but turns towards the door as if he is going to leave but then turns around throws his arms out again, puffs up his chest and walks to the right side of the bar where the bouncer is and makes some punching gestures, slaps his hands together and starts exchanging words with very aggressive facial expressions (he was wobbling quite a bit from being intoxicated as well). This goes on for about 10-15 seconds. The bouncer turns around again but Mr. Prins follow and continues saying something.
    8. The bouncer quickly turns around and grabs a large Red Horse bottle off the bar. At this point the manager stands up puts his arms around Mr Prins to try to calm the situation down and tells the bouncer to put the bottle down.
    9. The bouncer sits the bottle down on but has another smaller red horse bottle hidden in his other hand. Words continue to be exchanged. A girl sitting to the side of the bouncer sees the bottle and starts tapping the bouncer's arm to try to calm him down or tell him to put that bottle down (I'm not sure if this girl works there or not.)
    10. The manager tells the bouncer to go home and the bouncer sits the second bottle down and starts to walk out but appears to say something to the parking boy.
    11. The parking boy picks up a bottle and then follow the bouncer outside and sits the bottle on the ground by the bamboo pillar. Mr. Prins stands inside for a second watching the bouncer leave but quickly follows him outside.
    12. The rest can be seen on the Live Leak video.
    There could have been words exchanged between Mr. Prins and the bouncer any time the bouncer was out of camera shot but the bouncer doesn't seem to be visibly upset anytime in the video until around #7 above. The video inside makes it appear that Mr. Prins was trying to instigate a fight with the bouncer from the very start (the bouncer walked away 3 times). I'm certainly not trying to justify Mr. Prins getting hit with a bottle and ganged up on, that's just not right and wasn't deserved......BUT, if Mr. Prins had acted in such a manner towards me in a bar the fight would have happened long before it went outside (when he tapped/slapped me on the face when I tried to walk away). Again, it's not right that he died and the people responsible should be punished....but it was avoidable.
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  10. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    +5,232 / 1,090
    Just another Snippet to go with what was reported Yesterday.

    DAILY STAR: Negros Oriental
    Just Trusting there will be a Correct and Judicial end to this for the Family and Friends of Phil and the Goodwill and Peace of Dumaguete.
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