Dumaguete Info Search

up date on Phil Prins

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by Anonymous, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Maybe lots of lessons to be learned from watching both the inside and outside videos. The location, the time, the behavior. Whatever, may Phil Prins rest in peace and may the right people be held accountable and punished.
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  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Not really wanting to get involved with this but I have just seen on the news that the Bar/Club is now closed for Operating without a License and the Bouncer has been arrested.
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  3. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    DUMAGUETE CITY, Negros Oriental, Philippines—Police said on Monday they would file charges against the cook and bouncer of a resto-bar here who have been identified as among those who mauled and killed an American who was teaching photojournalism in a university here.

    The charges would be based on a 10-minute footage from a close-circuit television camera that showed Glen Eltagundi and a certain Boyet, cook and bouncer of the ZanZibar Restaurant, as among those who beat up Philippe Prins on Dec. 26, outside the resto-bar, an officer of the Dumaguete City Police Office said.

    The foreigner died in the hospital two days later due to severe head trauma.

    Cook, resto-bar bouncer to be charged for mauling to death American in Dumaguete | Inquirer Global Nation
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  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I have a reliable source that says the news is full of it and that the employees went in to work as normal tonight. I have seen the Mayor's and BIR permits myself. (Of course I have no idea what a real Mayor's or BIR permit looks like so take what you want from that.) I'm sure someone will be out tonight and can verify if they are open or not.
    • Informative Informative x 3
  5. Frodo

    Frodo DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I also just viewed the video. Very disturbing. Of the many excellent suggestions I read in this thread I would like to add two suggestions. Note: These are general suggestions and I am are not implying these suggestions would definitely have saved Phil's life in this case.

    1. Never turn your back on a threat. When eye contact is broken the threat will be more likely to attack. Plus, you are less able to defend yourself with your back to the threat. Instead, back away from the threat while maintaining eye contact.

    2. Possess self-defense tools.

    A. As a minimum, carry pepper spray, which they sell in both of Dumaguete's gun stores. An attack is less likely to be successful if the person cannot see because pepper is in his eyes.

    B. Carry a stun gun. The Chinese made flashlight stun guns are not very reliable, but they are better than nothing.

    C. Consider buying a taser (which is also a stun gun). I carry the Raysun X1.

    D. Consider having your Filipina wife/gf get a firearms license/permit. If you are attacked by a mob, using lethal force may be the only successful tool you have to survive.

    Points of emphasis, I do NOT condone carrying firearms in bars & clubs because alcohol can adversely affect our judgement. I am NOT suggesting a firearm would have made a difference in Phil's case. Please do not misinterpret my comments as trying to politicize what happened to Phil. I am simply using this opportunity to add to the discussion by suggesting a variety of self-defense tools for your consideration.
  6. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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  7. Frodo

    Frodo DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    The LiveLeak video of Phil's killing is now on YouTube. Here is the link:

  8. Frodo

    Frodo DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Here are two screen shots containing an opinion piece that appeared in the Visayan Daily Star. The author works for the Daily Star and he wrote the piece in Bacolod. He notes that since this is now Negros Island Region (NIR) he is becoming more interested in Dumaguete events.

    image.png image.png
  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    People are quick to criticize those who stood around and "did nothing" but I would like to ask these people: What would you do for a severe head wound (note: there is a foreign object protruding from the head indicating a fracture and there is a lot of bleeding)? What is more correct:
    A.) Apply bandage and pressure to stop the bleeding.
    B.) Apply a bandage (if you have one) without applying direct pressure.
    C.) Make sure the victim stays still until an ambulance arrives and monitor his vitals.

    Let's assume you've had some basic first aid training and know the answer(s). Now how many Filipinos do you think have had that same first aid training you had? I'd guess less than 1 percent of the people (who aren't nurses or doctors) have had ANY kind of first aid training (go ahead, ask your girlfriends if she knows how to take a pulse and properly check to see if you are breathing.....if she knows then ask her what to do if a person doesn't have a pulse or isn't breathing....if she says CPR ask her how you might go about doing that.....if she does know how ask her if she would put her mouth on a complete strangers' mouth that has a blood covered face). If you don't know what you are doing there is a very good chance you will actually decrease the persons chance of survival and put yourself at risk of contracting something you really don't want.....especially with severe head wounds and neck wounds. In the Philippines there is absolutely no-bloody-way I'm giving a stranger CPR without a mouth guard from a first aid kit or touching someone's blood without surgical gloves. If I don't know you I will stand there and let you bleed out (or if you are lucky, talk someone else silly enough to do it through the process). Sorry if you think I'm an a-hole for this but I'm not risking my own health and life to save a stranger's life. (Properly trained medics and first responders don't do it, why the h*ll would you expect everyone else to do it?)

    But there was something done in the video that most people don't see because they don't know who the people in the video are. At 1:10 in the video the manager comes outside. At 1:22 the manager sees the guy on the ground. At 2:08 he is on his bike going to the police station. At 6:20 he returns from the police station. When does a police vehicle arrive? Impossible to tell. I see a flashing head-light at 8:30 (less than 10 minutes after the victim hits the ground) but I'm not sure that is a police vehicle or not. Is there someone kneeling down next to him or periodically checking vitals? Also impossible to tell from the blurry video (anyone who says that is not happening is just making assumptions....they are probably very correct assumptions....but they are just that, assumptions).

    What else could have been done? You want someone to dial 117? lol Help might not have ever came. Call the hospital? I don't have any of the local hospital emergency numbers (though I can see now that it would be a good idea if got them). Could someone have gotten a trike and gotten him to a hospital faster? Most likely, but I know he wasn't treated any different than how a local would have been treated in that situation. For whatever reason it is pounded into Filipinos heads that they must leave everything as it lay in an accident/crime so that the police can come do their "investigation". I think it is retarded that they put a police investigation over someone's life.....but there is a whole lot of "retarded" in this country and ain't nobody going to change that anytime soon. That type of cultural/attitude change usually takes at least one generation to happen. You have a few choices here:
    1. Accept it.
    2. Don't accept it and let it eat away at you until you finally decide to.....
    3. Leave the country or....
    4. Die here miserable and hating the culture.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Head trauma: First aid - Mayo Clinic
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