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USA Gun Laws debate - questions ?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by kiwiobob, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. OP

    kiwiobob DI Member

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    There you go, on about the 2nd amendment again, that is all you think about ?, if so you are so limited................. lol .............. the debate in the USA has nothing to do with taking the right to bear arms away............ if you are actually an American citizen you really should get in touch with what is going on at home dear................. lol
  2. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    AK 47's are already illegal for the general public. They are used only by the military (if given no choice as there are better weapons!) and by SWAT teams.

    The problem is how do you tell an armed intruder which weapon that they must carry? Do does anyone really think that a law breaker, thief, murderer is going to follow a law? Why should someone be limited to what they can use to defend themselves? During the riots in Los Angeles there was more than one store owner who defended his store against looting with an assault type rifle. Would a pistol have had the same effect? Doubtful!
  3. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Again, you would need to know U.S. history and why the 2nd Amendment was written, but you do not know why so you completely fail to understand the need for it.
  4. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    NO ONE in the U.S. goes hunting with an automatic weapon as they are ILLEGAL! Get you facts straight before you comment please.
    Bolt action is the preferred choice because of the accuracy it gives. The bore of a semi-automatic is not as tight to allow for the round to enter the chamber smoothly.
  5. OP

    kiwiobob DI Member

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    HeyKnowdafish, it seems that most non Americans know more about American History than you do my friend, you have totally missed the point several times, it may pay for you to go back and read the original post...............oops, it is written in British English and not American English, so you may need an interpreter...............lol.............OR, maybe you are an active member and supporter of the NRA who obviously have financial interests in the gun trade................ lol
  6. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    I grew up in a gun family, my father who is 90 years old now, and still has them (hand guns, shot guns, small caliber rifles and high caliber hunting rifles) has always been legal, and has only used them for target fun and some hunting. Being around gun's all my life, including a former body guard in San Francisco, neither myself,my two brothers or my father have ever had an accident or shot anyone.

    If you listen to the news, by far most shooting murders are from illegal gun owners, and very few from legal gun owners, and the news is very slow to report stories like the one 2 or 3 days ago that reported about a woman who protected herself and 2 9 year old twins by shooting an intruder in her house with a legal gun.

    IMHO the banning of assault rifles that have little or no purpose except to kill humans, should be banned from being manufactured or imported.

    Because the past law makers allowed so many guns to be manufactured and sold with basically no restrictions or records kept, any law will only be enforceable (mostly) on the legal and responsible gun owners.

    So at this late stage, I can see the strict background check and training as a good thing for any buyer of any firearm, buying back or highly restricting assault rifles or even declaring them highly illegal could help.

    The biggest problem is that anyone who want's to buy almost anything (and many do) from the huge illegal market place can (new laws won't stop this), and the police are so restricted by law or funds, it's impossible in most cases to stop any wacko that carefully plans and decides to go out and commit mass murder, and at that point legal or illegal doesn't matter at all to the victims or family's.

    So what's the answer? I have no idea:confused:

  7. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    I would be interested to know what you think you know about American history that you think I don't.
  8. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Very true Ron and well stated. I also grew up around guns, hunting and target shooting and have fired most semi-automatic pistols as well as revolvers that have been made. There are too many people that know nothing about guns, or the responsibility of gun ownership, that are deathly afraid of them yet know nothing about them. If guns are outlawed, criminals and those that want to do crazy things will still have guns or find another way. The problem is not guns, it's the minority of the population that do crazy things with them or attempt to. Of the millions of gun owners in the U.S. the crazies are a very slim minority.

    It never ceases to amaze me how someone that is not from the U.S., and likely has never been there, can think they can form an accurate opinion from listening to the often warped and twisted U.S. media.
  9. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    kiwiobobby, seems like you are anti-American and like to post criticism at every opportunity. You join just last month and are looking more and more like a troll with every post. Not impressed!
  10. OP

    kiwiobob DI Member

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    What an incredible racist comment you came out with. Fortunately I can see the humour in it. Actually I have a number of very good, sensible, intelligent and successful American friends, who are very concerned about what is happening in America today, as is the rest of the world it would seem.