Yes, my boy's school are issuing learning modules on 15th June and teachers will be holding video link classes and available during normal school hours to talk to the kids.
since the three hospitals in dumaguete dont have any vaccine i am open to suggestions and yes i know i can go to manila or cebu
That is good for some, but what do the poor children do for education when they have no internet or computer access?
Indeed, and apparently this is the way forward until a vaccine is available. So let's take 1,000 random students across Dumaguete. Then deduct from that amount: Any students that don't have computer access at home. Any students that don't have home internet. Any students that experience regular brownouts. Any students whose internet provider randomly stops offering a service for no apparent reason. Any students whose internet is not fast enough to allow video calls. Any students whose parents are not responsible enough to monitor them to ensure they study hard. Any students that don't have a quiet area in their home to perform said tasks without interruption or distraction. Any students that have millions of siblings because their parents breed like rabbits, so there aren't enough computers in the home for all. Any students that have a teacher that falls into any of the aforementioned categories. Any students that have a teacher that doesn't have the experience and skills to perform online teaching to a sufficient standard. I wonder how many of those 1,000 students would remain...........? On the plus side, in the 2019 PISA assessment, out of 79 countries The Philippines ranked 79th in reading, and 78th in maths and science, so I guess they can't really drop much lower!
That sort of explains the 86 avg. IQ for the Philippines. Students from your school and other private schools here should score higher which might indicate the average IQ for most is actually and sadly lower. A couple of years ago my wife’s niece had no 4th grade public school for a month while her teacher went on a Boys Scout event.
Don't know about all schools, but the learning modules are available in paper form as well as online and can be taken to the school for marking and teacher discussion - that's what the lad's school are doing, at least. They said that they are hoping to be 'ahead of the game', as some schools are waiting for the word that classes will be resumed, which could be a long time hence.
I have read that lead in the imported rice from China, the cheap rice for the poor from the NFA, is an additional factor in the low IQ. Philippines is the number one rice importer in the world.