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Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by filmguy, May 19, 2020.

  1. Ryan861

    Ryan861 DI New Member Restricted Account Infamous

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    It seems, that most of you do not research in the right way, not carefully, I understand: it is really much work !...didnt you research, that in India 25 thousands children got paralysis after being vaccinated by Polio orally ? Now Bill Gates is banned by India and an international case is running against him....Dont you know, that Bill Gates and the WHO mixed secretly Beta-HCG in the Tetanus Vaccines in Kenia....which lead to innumerable sterility and miscarriages. Catholic bishops wondered why only women get the tetanus vaccination and why not men too? ...and why does the tetanus vaccination have to be applied 5-fold and not triple as usual in the world ... and they found that the WHO, under the direction of Bill Gates, secretly mixed beta-HCG = pregnancy-antigen into the vaccine. Now Bill Gates is also exiled from Kenya .... In India, HPV vaccination against uterine cancer has caused thousands of instant deaths or uterine cancer, so Bill Gates is twice exiled. Since HPV vaccination has been forcibly introduced in Great Britain (against uterine cancer), the rate of uterine cancer has increased immensely. The bottom line is that vaccinations provoke, what they claim to avoid.
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  2. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    When rumors started to circulate that the Foundation had been kicked out of India in 2017, the country’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare released a statement disputing those reports which stated that “Some media reports have suggested that all health related collaboration with the Gates Foundation with National Health Mission (NHM) has been stopped. This is inaccurate and misleading. BMGF continues to collaborate and support the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.”

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s website has several pages dedicated to the group’s work in India. The government of India has also dispelled the rumor that the foundation was kicked out. So, was this claim simply made up out of the blue?

    The rumor can be traced back to a study by the global health organization PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) to see if it could reduce the number human papillomavirus (HPV) infections by providing cost-effective vaccines to impoverished communities. This trial was conducted in Uganda, Peru, and Vietnam, but it was the group’s efforts in India that caused controversy.

    Beginning in 2009, PATH worked with the Indian government’s Council of Medical Research as well as local governments to provide more than 20,000 girls between the ages of 10-14 with HPV vaccines donated by Merck & Co. (Gardasil®) and GlaxoSmithKline (Cervarix®). India’s government halted the effort in April 2010, however, when local news reports claimed seven of the girls involved in the trial had died after receiving their vaccines.

    The government of India also opened an investigation into the matter. While the government accused PATH of a few ethical lapses (such as improperly filed consent forms), investigators concluded that the deaths were not related to the vaccines. For instance, one of the deaths related to a girl who drowned in a quarry, and another was linked to a snake bite.

    Science Magazine reported:

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  3. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    From what I have read concerning these annual flu shots, the best reported results shows that it is only around 55% effective. I stopped getting it once I left the military, they made it mandatory and I always ended up sick after being administered. Haven't had it since, luckily.

    Also I would not consider the US poor country and the 2019 - 2020 flu season ended on April 4, with the CDC reporting between 24,000 - 62,000 deaths. I wonder why the big gap, but it is a government organization with really good communication between divisions right?
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  4. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    This looks like are friend justice911 is back again.
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  5. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    May be due to the small mutations (antigenic drift) taking place with the flu virus, such that by the time the new vaccine is produced and given, the virus in circulation is changing.

    I have always said that we should decide on what goes in our bodies - and you used your experience to decide 'no' on that one.

    Any idea of what the deaths would be if there was no vaccine?
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  6. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    People who make the effort to reply to this load of crap do you a service you do not deserve.
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  7. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Nope, and I don't think anyone does. But I do think it might reflect on the number of people that died WITH it rather than FROM it. I believe that to be true with some of the reporting on the number of COVID deaths, it was easier to use that as cause of death.

    In many cases, not all, I have come to think that this COVID is a catalyst if you have another health problem that could turn fatal. It speeds it up in progression. A person dies from something with the COVID but not necessarily from the COVID. Might help explain recoveries in otherwise healthy people that contracted it.

    Just some thoughts from a person who is fine with admitting he is not an expert.
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  8. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    An interesting observation, If I understand you correctly then Covid merely finds the weakness in your system and exacerbates it to the point of death? If you are a heavy smoker or lived in a region with a high level of pollution then Covid comes along and attacks your weakened lungs and you die of Acute Respiratory distress, (Which if you look at the stats is the overwhelming cause of death). Did not AIDS work the same way as it destroyed your immune system and you died of cancer etc. ?, still it was AIDS that killed you. So still not sure of your point .. As many cases I have read that resulted in the death of otherwise "healthy" people and your conjecture is that they were not really healthy at all ? Or is it just to make a point that Vaccine (any Vaccine) is pointless and we should just let this (or any) disease run its course? I for one disagree and have vaccinated my child for every recommended ailment my pediatrician offers.

    But an interesting observation nonetheless :smile:
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  9. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    That is between 2,000 to 5,000 deaths PER MONTH. Corona still is killing between 1,100 t0 1,500 EVERY DAY in the US.
  10. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Fine to write your opinions on something you think you might not be an expert on - it is the idiots who try to undermine sensible opinion that people don't like.

    The point about the Covid-19 virus, and most other pathogenic diseases, is that they destroy cells and tissues, and cause an immune response which produces internal inflammation - so if the body is not in good condition it is bound to react badly to these onslaughts. This is like motorbikes tackling rough mountain routes - the weakest will generally fail first (and I am not an expert on motorbikes!).

    So if your lungs, for example, are near to the point of expiry due to old age or an illness and a virus starts attacking it, you would expect it to be more likely to fail.

    As for the young and healthy dying of Covid-19, there could be an underlying condition not known about (a very famous fit jogger died whilst out jogging and, unfortunately people seemingly in tip-top condition suddenly die - happened to a friend's son age 21) or it could be that their body reacted to the virus in a way that killed them. This must have some links to genetics and it is just bad luck that some have a particular reaction to infectious diseases that other do not.

    And the very old who survive (I think one was 102) are just part of the enigma that surrounds infectious diseases and how their hosts respond to them.
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