Final report: After a few week's absence, finally reached the finish line (almost)! Despite being the dry season we have pushed ahead with landscaping and laying turf. This means copious watering twice a day - fortunately nature has played its part the last few days with heavy overnight rain. Long may it continue! All units have been fully fitted out now and the water supply system installed - reserve water tank, pump and pressure tank. The system is rigged to run off city water unless the pressure drops below a certain level, which will trigger the pressure tank and pump to supplement the supply. Cable TV and internet the last remaining non-construction related items yet to be sorted. I hope this thread has been of interest to anyone considering a building project in these parts. Many thanks to our builder Dhing Santos, who yet again produced results far exceeding our expectations and without whose voluntary help in dealing with the local electricity cooperative we could never have reached this happy conclusion. Major credits to Belle Caldosa, co-owner of the apartments for her flawless eye for design and fantastic landscaping. Many thanks to Pakon, a lovely lady who single-handedly planted each individual piece of turf under an intolerably hot and unforgiving sun over the last two weeks. And lastly to Clary, my daughter, whose future inspired me to undertake this project in the first place!