Just take her to the amlan jeepney terminal and from there is an LGU bus to take the locals home
its at 7am and there is also one at 9am.
if you go on to the amlan LGU facebook page it will give the times
i have used that particular bus to get to dgte twice, i went in on the 6am bus and came back out on the 9am bus
Best Posts in Thread: Valencia to Amlan - One ECQ Pass Two People
Each municipality now has a checkpoint. You cannot enter unless you are a resident which means your gf needs a residency certificate from her Amlan barangay and that has to be presented to the people manning the checkpoint. My understanding was you cannot enter a different cluster with your current pass. That pass is only good for cluster 1. Travel is allowed between clusters only for medical reasons, and you need to present again paperwork for these. Only ambulances and government officials are allowed to bypass these checkpoints so unless you are tight with some LGU officials, and you might be able to hitch a ride, I don’t know.
This is my situation. I have two residency certificates. One for La Libertad, which is further up north, and another for Daro, Dumaguete. I made arrangements to obtain both when I learned about the ECQ. I figured I could show my LaLi residency pass if I want to go to LaLi, and show the Daro one whenever I’d want to return here. I failed to anticipate the clustering that they would do. I have spoken to the mayor of La Libertad and asked if I could go back to LaLi and he said I technically could by showing my LaLi residency pass but then, I would also have to explain why I was in Dumaguete. I could lie and say for medical reasons but then I would need hospital documentation and that’s another headache. So for now, I have no choice but to stay in Dumaguete until they lift this ECQ.-
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Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account
I've recently obtained a 'floating' barangay pass (through a local contact) to go out shopping with the wife (took my medication boxes just in case questioned why two of us need to go - I drive and stay in the car, she gets out and buys the medication). Passed through checkpoints just showing the two passes and no questions asked. That was Friday, but on the new purple passes.
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Her journey is one way I assume?
Another, perhaps safer, option is to ask the Barangay Captain for a letter authorising it as a one off.-
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Last edited: Apr 19, 2020 -