There are plenty rentals around in Dumaguete as well as Valencia. You may wish to look at the Facebook Marketplace to get an initial impression of places you might like and make a selection of rentals you want to go have a look at. (just set location to Dumaguete and range to 10 km). Mind you, if the kids are high school age or older, I would suggest that Valencia is only a reasonable option if you would buy a car (because they'll end up going to school in Dumaguete).
Thanks, Are the people renting houses normally flexible on the lease. I don't really want to sign up for 12 months incase things don't work out. Month by month for the first two months would be better.
There are some who rent out short term also, but most want a 6 months lease minimum. I would concentrate on finding a nice place though, rather than a short term lease as priority.
If you want short term while you adjust/assess Villa Prescilla would be an option (probably the first and safest option in the area). They have been serving short and long term rentals in Dumaguete for a very long time.
If you want to stay in Valencia then Mar Pas will rent by the month, I think they charge 25 to 28k monthly
Re. van at Dgte a/p. There's a company there at the a/p, contact Lito. 0927-753-2489. I used it several years ago, and today exchanged messages, he is still in business. From the terminal, across the parking lot and to the left. Advise advance reservation.
The current info out there is confusing (no change there then); This from the US Embassy website, which effectively states what I recently found on entry last month: One Heath Pass registration, negative test result 24/48 hours before departure (antigen/RT-PCR), proof of vaccination. Does not mention the USD35k insurance cover. This from PH Presidential Communications Office, which does mention the insurance cover, but does not seem to exempt foreign spouses on 13A visa (only the requirement for return ticket). Does not mention One Health Pass requirement. This the amended Order from PH Presidential Office, NIATF, which also does not mention One Health Pass, does mention USD35k insurance (f), but again does not seem to exempt foreign spouses, only from the return ticket requirement (e). This from Philippine Airlines website, very recent. Also does not mention One Health Pass and USD35k insurance depending on visa type. The One Health Pass website still seems to be live, so I suspect still valid for entry: I suspect that all is as I found: One Health Pass registration required Proof of vaccination required Negative Covid result required (interestingly, one of the websites I linked mentions that remote self-testing is not acceptable, but that's what I did. If you have a certificate of result in your hand, how they would know exactly how it was obtained, I'm not sure). Good Luck!! Good Luck!
Well that's confusing........and expected.. Thanks 1) I have a yearly family insurance policy that covers Covid. 2) We all have 3 x Vax 3) I don't have a return ticket 4) I don't have a visa, was going to try enter as Balikbayan. Believe I don't need return ticket then. Or 30 day visa exempt and apply 13a after arrival. Will do the one health pass.
I have a home & have no problems renting out and can be extremely flexible on price and arrangement. For a forum Member I would drop to 18,000 per month from 22,000. No lock in, no hassle and total security. Thing is that it's in Tanjay. Good news is, all imaginable is walking distance.