We had one delivery of purified water some time ago and the taste of the cleaning sterilising fluid whatever they use was still in the water as if they had not rinsed out the bottles enough before filling.
We told the in charge and it's never happened again.
The upside though is that we know they use sterilising fluid.![]()
Valencia Best Posts in Thread: Weather and water supply
Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
The water supply cannot be trusted in terms of health. Locals may drink it but they will have greater immunity to local microbes - they probably had many fevers and alimentary canal infections when growing up. I had similar issues when I first came here but they decreased rapidly after a few months.
As for tooth brushing - I use tap water but always rinse my mouth afterwards with either hydrogen peroxide or salt (NOT mixed) diluted with bottled water. I think swallowing a small amount of tap water would not be dangerous as the stomach produces hydrochloric acid but it would be unwise to consume large amounts. This includes not using tap water to make ice cubes (how do they make purchased ones?) and to be aware that eating salads probably involves ingesting tap water used in washing the components.-
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I think using tap water in small doses (as in, brushing your teeth and using it for washing salad) actually is a good way to teach your stomach to handle the common local bacteria. I wouldn’t go so far to drink the tap water though - treated water is cheap enough ( though that also sometimes tastes a bit “off”).
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