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Best Posts in Thread: What's your average daily routine here in the Philippines?

  1. Senjenbing

    Senjenbing DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines Navy

    Trophy Points:
    Milliways - at the end of time and matter
    +480 / 202
    No 2 days are the same but they all start with waking up (hopefully) - around dawn. SO goes and tends to her orchids while I grab a coffee and get online for a couple of hours work then read the news, do the crossword and check out the UK horse racing results.

    Asaswa's now in the kitchen making cakes or pies so I go for a wander round with the dogs (2 x Belgian Malligators) and have a word with the cows - at least they look as if they're listening. Back for a 2nd coffee.

    Another hour or so of work then another meander - this time talk to the bull. If he looks mean or gets a hard-on I'm gone!

    Lunch is a bowl of fruit and the afternoon could be pottering about in the veg garden deciding what to do/build/plant next or drive over to the farm and see how the grass is growing while the malli's get to swim in the river.

    Afternoons are flexy, just do whatever suits the day but always finish it with an ice cold San Miguel with the boys.

    Dinner is time to crack a bottle of red and put the world to rights.

    We only need to hit the bright lights of Dumaguete every 8-10 weeks for shopping so normally make a weekend of it.

    And that about sums it up - no clocks or watches, no real routine just take each day as it comes.

    It's more laid back in Las Filipinas!
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  2. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I have one cup of coffee with coconut oil or MCT (medium chain triglycerides oil) black no sugar Brunch at 11 am 4 eggs fried in virgin olive oil and a Hungarian sausage.
    snack, 50 grams of strawberries with plain yogurt no added sugar. Dinner Green leafy vegetables with either fish, liver, chicken,meat, pork.
    Later on in the evening I drink Rum and diet coke.
    Side note, I drink 4 liters of water daily. Except when I go out to drink with my buddies I drink a few bottles of lite.
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  3. dadof3at1ce

    dadof3at1ce DI Member Veteran Marines

    Trophy Points:
    +115 / 11
    We got another 7 years before we retire there. I can't say what my day will be, but I can say what I envision it being.

    Getting up in the morning drinking coffee and doing my routine internet things for an hour or two. Then doing some exercise. A rinse off then doing whatever the wife wants. If nothing then I will just grab a book. Yard/garden work at some point, shoot a few hoops and +/or swim a few laps. Feed the chickens, maybe a pig or goat,play with the dog. Come evening watch some tv, continue reading my book. Maybe shoot a little pool or darts. Every day a little different. These are just things I know I will do.

    To make it all happen I still need to put in a pool and build my man-cave. Gonna house my approx 1200 book library, a pool table and dart board, and at a minimum a treadmill. The basketball court should be built when we go there next month. This way no matter what happens we have everything we need/want.
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  4. God Bless Texas

    God Bless Texas DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    Roanoke TX
    +292 / 17
    We finished the house build in Feb 2020 expecting family and friends to visit.
    ....That didn't happen ....
    So our routine is to wake up and enjoy a quiet coffee
    Feed the fur babies
    House maint (good size property and doing the yardwork helped me loose weight and stay occupied).
    Complaining about government.
    Try to cook something "different"
    Coffee again

    Now - 2 sets of puppies later
    We don't complain about government - waste of time
    We miss some Covid restrictions actually - cancel fiesta and No karaoke to name a few.
    Taking things slow and don't plan to far ahead simply because of the culture.

    Developing another property now- keeps us busy.
    More cold water
    More cups of coffee (brewed and black is prefered)
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  5. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

    Trophy Points:
    Canada and Neg. OR.
    +2,037 / 1,093
    Inspired by Member (JohnBoy) Feel free to give others a sense of an average daily routine. Load images if so desired.

    For my Wife and I... we retired early and landed here solid.. well on our feet from many years of hard work. Average routine, travel, resorts, exploring all the Islands one by one. BBQ....eating in and out with friends, some Tanduay, SanMig-Lights, photography, Karaoke, diving, shopping and doing home maintenance on our builds, farming on the side......than rinse and repeat. We have surpassed all our dreams and remain so excited to enjoy each day and each moment here. In love, happy and content. Yes....it is possible. The Filipina Wife can in the majority of stories be the greatest partner a Man can find.

    Thanks JohnBoy...... thread starts here
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  6. God Bless Texas

    God Bless Texas DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    Roanoke TX
    +292 / 17
    Black with some sugar, can do with lots of ice.

    Water- I didn't know I could drink as much as I do and not be in the bathroom all night. Still being a bit yonger, enjoying time outside, and exercising, even in Texas I would take the equivalnt of 4 to 5 liters a day.
    Here, it's double on a typical day. The water dispenser doesnt get it cold enough for me so that bottle is for my wife and hot and when hot water is needed right away.
    I split another bottle into empy Gatorade and soda bottles and rotate 6 in the fridge at a time. I have claimed most of a shelf just for me.
    My momma would be embraced to see that I don't use a glass as I should- just straight out of the bottle and down the gullet.

    Side note fellas- I tried a new 3 in 1 (new for me) and I liked it, it is the great taste green pack toffee flavor.
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  7. Garcia

    Garcia DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +322 / 129
    I drink one Douwe Egberts coffee with oat milk plus sometimes one cuppa T with oat milk. Hope I can get oat milk in Dumaguete, perhaps a health shop in the mall?

    I have two containers with this coffee brand in my check in suitcase plus T bags. Breakfast is mixed fresh fruit. Never have that coffee in packets loaded with sugar. Have one pint of water first thing plus another before sleep, then others throughout the day. Never drink anything in a can. Rice, vegetables, fish, no meat since 1982. All seafood fine. I watched some vlogs where there was some good vegetarian restaurants in Dumaguete...
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  8. Dutchie

    Dutchie DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

    Trophy Points:
    +1,763 / 123
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    I used to drink coffee all day long before retirement, probably up to 10 cups a day.
    I'm much more moderate now, with 2 cups in the morning, then 2 cups of tea in the afternoon, and one more coffee after dinner. Black with sugar (sweetener).
    Sometimes I indulge in a cappuccino when going out.
    In contrast, my water consumption has ballooned from close to nothing to at least 5-6 glasses a day since moving here.
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    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022
  9. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

    Trophy Points:
    Canada and Neg. OR.
    +2,037 / 1,093
    I drink 6 cups (instant) with 2 tbsp of powdered milk (no sugar). Before retirement 4 cups a day. The added 2 cups is the result of when my Wife does her afternoon coma routine. I make coffee and get online. I have never slept in the day. Back home I only drank brewed.
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  10. Garcia

    Garcia DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +322 / 129
    You definitely got a budding talent as a songwriter there!

    And looking up, I noticed I was late
    Found my coat and grabbed my hat
    Made the baht bus in seconds flat
    Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
    And somebody spoke and I went into a dream

    But not in the Philippines (yet)
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