I can't speak for all areas of PI, but in Bacolod area street food is quite mundane.
IMO, pinoy food (as it pertains to flavor) is just repetitive, usually sweet for no reason, and lacks complex flavors.
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Street food in the Philippines are:
1. Balut
2. Their version of tempura or some squid balls on a stick
3. Pork barbecue
4. Sugared bananas on a stick
5. Some coconut milk drink with assorted jello
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"Budbud" breakfast at the public market, a couple of places on the drive-through alley. Especially the chocolate version.
Not to recommend: open-air stalls outside someone's home. Especially after noon-time.-
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Solid_Pan DI Member
When in public market, Painitan area, ask or look for Budbud Kabok, and add a cup of hot chocolate. Very delicious!
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