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Who was that woman at Bethel cafeteria back in May?

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by ViperACR, Aug 4, 2007.

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  1. ViperACR

    ViperACR DI Member

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    Well I haven't been here much because I've been having a grand old time back here in the USA...

    But just for the fun of it I'll ask..

    One day when surfing this website while I was sitting near the start of the serving line at Bethel cafeteria sometime back in April or May, a woman who was coming there for a few weeks (it seemed) with her husband and family noticed that I was on this website via my laptop wifi as she got in line...

    She asked if I was a member, and I said "No" I just read it now and then.. haha :p

    So.. YES It WAS ME and I am a member-which member are you dear? You know who you are!

    BTW, I logged back in to ask why Sunstar online hadn't been even listing Dgte news anymore for the last few months, but I see the town has regained its' place in that newspaper's 'city' list.

    Still the same litany of gripes about things in and around Dgte on this forum I see.. - don't know how you all do it.
  2. chrissar

    chrissar DI Senior Member

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    Oh So, it was you then ViperACR!!!!!!!!! Was so curious to ask you at that time as I saw you were browsing the Dumaguete Info Forum, and we were eager to meet members of the DI during our short stay in Dumaguete but felt so embarassed as you blatantly said NO. I couldn't understand at this moment why you lied? And to be honest, I was so grateful you did, as your posts reflect your pesonality.:wink: :wink: :wink: We might not be a good company to you.

    Thought you and your wife had already gone back to your precious country called America...... It seems you are still in Dumaguete.
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  3. tfa1957

    tfa1957 DI Forum Adept

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    Your kinda different aren't ya?
  4. OP

    ViperACR DI Member

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    Haha. No baby, we ARE in the USA. And YES it IS so precious here.

    We've been back here since the end of May thank you. God Bless America!

    I blatantly said no? You seem to put some emphasis on it.. I just gave you a simple 'no' actually as I deferred your intrusion.

    If you're grateful I LIED (omg), then I think your slip is showing. Meaning whatever feelings you have for me, they're magnified back to you as you seethe at the opportunity to react in whatever little way you can.

    Which kind of sums up the problems related to living in PI. People (locals usually) living in PI overreacting to everything they can blah blah blah, di ba?

    Remember one thing dear..Third World doesn't mean third place, okay?

  5. chrissar

    chrissar DI Senior Member

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    There YOU are again.....showing your true color. I love America and am so glad there is only a few percentage of Americans like you. Maybe, you are just frustrated coz you as a westerner, might have thought that living in PI, Filis will look up for you. It doesn't work like that. You have to earn that precious thing by being nice to the locals. Filis are well known to be very amiable...(That was why I approached you and you lied.) So sorry it didn't go on your way. HAHAHAHAHA Or maybe your age made you feel like that. And I can understand that.... Life is too short, enjoy it positively and you will just be amazed you will find PEACE and contentment. Show others love and you will feel loved....

    Philippines might be in the Third World but our values is a topnotch. Coz why are you married to a Filipina? People like you make me cringe. You're an embarassment to the Americans.:o :o :o
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  6. tfa1957

    tfa1957 DI Forum Adept

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    Hi Chrissar,

    As an American, I agree, he is in that league of Americans we refer to as odd and out of the norm. I posted this to you Chrissar instead of him, because as I said in my first post, he is kinda different. So lets leave him as alone as he wanted to be back in the cafe and let him be. Maybe give him a virtual stick and ball to play with, all by his lonesone (his middle name I think, because he is here eliciting attention).
  7. chrissar

    chrissar DI Senior Member

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    Hi Tom,
    I know he is just one of a kind. Best thing for me to do is to forget what had happened. As he is twice of my age, I still show him respect by no longer posting towards this thread. And may he finds total happiness in life in America. God bless him.:wink:
  8. Swany

    Swany DI Senior Member

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    Hi chrissar, it's me. I just love your post response to the viper. As tfa1957 said, he is indifferent. Maybe because of his age (like you've said). We all support you. Take care.
  9. tfa1957

    tfa1957 DI Forum Adept

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    I need to strive to be as kind as you and swany always are. Your commendable folks.
  10. chrissar

    chrissar DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    Thank you so much Swany and tfa1957 for your kind words.:wink: :wink: :wink:
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