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Best Posts in Thread: Why do expats love Dumaguete?

  1. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    This video has the feel of one of the countless times I have watched some drunken dude in a bar here drone on about nothing interesting. Why give this guy the time of day? He must think he is quite special that I should convince him with reports, spreadsheets, expert testimonials, etc. Especially when he didn't offer anything of the sort himself.

    There is nothing controversial about drunken rambling.

    I don't know this is quite trolling, but you can see how easy it is to bait people on Facebook.

    As for the material.

    Yes, poor women seek security from men who can provide for both her and the family. This happens in every country. Once poor women become independent, then the needs change as they work their way up the needs charts. This genius insight was probably discovered back when we were living in caves. Congrats to him for figuring it out.

    The U.S. per capita GDP is so large that the Philippines is more the norm than the exception. U.S. income is the outlier, not the Philippines. This disparity follows Americans to the majority of comparisons with random people in this world. People don't need to come to the Philippines to be the rich man among poor women.

    Old, white men come here because they can. We like to travel and explore. Even before we learned to walk, we were crawling places and getting into sh*t. When we get here, we feel comfortable.

    There are many publications which show Dumaguete as a great retirement location. You won't find prostitution listed among the reasons.

    This guy just needs to get back to the bar (or Missouri) and keep his conversations between other drunks rather than broadcasting himself to the world.
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    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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    Please don't paint us all with the same brush. Most of us resident expats here have families and lead normal, law abiding lives. Of course we came here because we can afford a better life here, but my first consideration was my families future. I can afford to send children to school and university here without them having to be burdened with student debt. They can afford their own homes. Of course employment here is a major problem, but if the are well educated, then they can succeed. As for corruption, of course it is overt, whereas in our home countries it is covert. If you think that sex, booze and drugs are the reasons we live here, you need to meet the majority of expats here whom lead lives not too dissimilar to the lives we back home. Many single expats have visited ( pattaya- bangkok ) these places in the past, this is because of broken marriages etc etc. Many are looking for someone to settle down with for the rest of their lives and live a peaceful life. It's easy enough to pick out the arseholes within 30 seconds of conversation. As for all the expat drifters that come here, I have no control over them and do not include them in my circle of friends.
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    His information is a bit off.
    • Silliman was not founded in the 1600's, it was founded in 1901. The first university in Asia was in the Philippines (University of Santo Tomas - 1611)....but it was not in Dumaguete. Maybe that's what he was talking about?
    • Dumaguete has far more than 20k30k people. The population is around 120k.

    As for the reason for the "old white men" in Dumaguete. I don't think it has anything to do with struggling 18-19 y/o students. Every city in the Philippines has plenty of struggling 18-19 y/o students. I believe the reason Dumaguete is so popular with "old white men" (there are plenty of expats of other races/nationalities here) is because it is a more laid back city than many of the other more urbanized areas. Another reason I believe it might be a bit more popular with the older expats is that it is a more conservative area than many other cities. The beaches (which aren't really spectacular), other outdoor activities and the universities draw in a wider demographic. Overall I think Dumaguete is more popular for expats because it has a wider range of appeal that some of the more "specialized" cities like Angeles (prostitution), Olongapo (prostitution and beach resorts), Manila (no idea what the appeal is there), Boracay (only beaches), Palawan (beaches/outdoor activities). These other towns are a one trick pony. You also see older expats in the Philippines because, well, they are retired. Most people in their 20's and 30's don't have the money to just pack up and move half way across the world. You see more of them because older expats are residents, younger foreigners are tourists and students so they come and go and you are more likely to see them at the resorts and universities. More disposable income with the older expats so you will see them out more often.

    As for his call for backing this opinion up with stats/studies from reputable organizations, well, he didn't have any for his opinions. Prostitution does happen in Dumaguete but it is nowhere near as common as other places in the Philippines. I don't think this guy has traveled all that much around the Philippines.....he's also a bit judgmental.
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  4. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Back on topic, why do expats love Dumaguete, I don't think there are many of us who actually "love" Dumaguete. We appreciate that it is a lower cost of living than our homelands, the weather pretty nice overall, and the two legged deer are plentiful and attractive and willing to accept mature men as long as you can provide (and everything provide implies).
    For many here, there is a thin line between a comedy and a tragedy.
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  5. andiflip

    andiflip DI Senior Member

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    Rule number #1 in this country don't ever pay a maid 5000 a month.... Don't ever hire family period. Live at least 5 islands away from your wife's family. If she doesn't like it you don't have a wife, you have a Gold Digger.
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  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I would agree with most everything in your post except this part (at least for those of us coming from the US). It is not a better life here for a cheaper price. It is a lower standard of living for a lower cost of living. I find most everything here more expensive and more of a hassle than in the US. Utilities, rent, food, gasoline, dealing with the government, land prices, building supplies, colleges/universities....all more expensive than the US (if you look at the value of what you are getting). The only thing, that I have found, that is truly cheaper here is beer, smokes, women and labor. The main reason I am here is not because it's cheap (it's not), it's because the government isn't always watching over my shoulder to tell me what's safe and what's not and forcing me to buy insurance/products for my own good. I'm willing to lower my standard of living to sustain a life with less government intrusion for a longer period of time. There is a cost - b*llsh*t - freedom balance for me though.....and it seems that the longer I am here the more that balance gets out of whack. There are other countries that are starting to look more appealing than the Philippines.

    I know some European countries (aka Liberal Land) are ridiculously expensive because of all the people sucking on the government tit but if an American is coming here to elevate their standard of living for less money they really haven't taken a close look at the actual numbers. Osodelnorte does have a point: many (certainly not all) of the new expats I am seeing/meeting out and around town are dysfunctional Western mental midgets that have some extremely questionable morals. (If this does not apply to whoever is reading this then I'm not talking about you, please don't take offense.....but if the shoe fits go ahead and lace that b*tch up and wear it. :wink:)
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  7. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I live a more respectful lifestyle here now than I did most of my years in the U.S. Maybe just older now and enjoying this chapter.
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    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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  9. Frenchcarpenter

    Frenchcarpenter DI New Member

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    A horrid response to this question has diverted what might be an interesting discussion. The rebuttal BobBski offered seems great to me. But the question might be usefully answered by asking "What do I as an expat like about Dumaguete?" Very briefly after having visited a few times and stayed to study and send kids to school there, let me say: Great quiet little town, peaceful as one can expect. A university ambiance, maybe not the best, but pretty good schools. Silliman has a decent library. Waterfront area is great fun, attractive, clean, good food and drinks at bargain prices. The Filipinos and expats are friendly and gentle for the most part, and the occasional bigoted drunk makes the rest of us look good by comparison. So even they have their uses. I especially like the accessibility of airflights and passenger ships. And yes, there are lots of attractive college women, thanks for that. But they are hardly flinging themselves at fat old foreigners, as I, being one, can attest.
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  10. furriner

    furriner DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    Right. Nobody came here to get rich. Nobody came here because they were rich. Some who came here are rich. But nobody needs to BE rich to love the place, including me and my Filipina wife.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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