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Why Not Disco’s Downward Spiral Gets a Reprieve!

Discussion in 'Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment' started by SteveB, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. OP

    SteveB DI Forum Adept

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    Went back to Whynot with some friends on Saturday. The band, Feefir, plays from 9pm until 11:30pm and they are not bad but the sound system is flat since they seem to have completely turned off the sub-woofer and anything else that produces bass. Several people were dancing and enjoying the music even though that familiar bass thump was missing. However, as soon as the band stopped and the idiot DJ started his gig, people fled in groups, some eveen carrying their beer out the door to get away faster. By 12:30am, there was hardly anybody left in the place. I spoke to the DJ and politely suggested that there may be a problem with the music he was playing since no-one was dancing and everybody was leaving (maybe play to the crowd instead of playing what he personally liked to hear). He replied that I was probably the problem and that I should mind my own business!

    There is absolutely no management in there at night (except one lady walking around in a daze, hiding if there is ever any trouble or complaint); like nobody cares if there are customers or not. I wonder if the owner even has a clue what is going on at night. I am sure he is interested in making money and I am sure that he must realize that he needs customers to do that! Years ago, there was not much competition to the Whynot Music Box so it was probably pretty easy to run. However, today, there are many smaller clubs opening downtown taking the younger, dancing customers (they will not pay the entrance fee if there is no benefit to entering), thus leaving no reason for most foreigners and other drinking customers to drop by. In a disco, if you are not going to play the music that gets people dancing, you might as well turn it into a sports bar or something similar.

    I hope that the owner will take an interest in his establishment and try to find a solution!
  2. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    The DJ. reply was a form of Denial, the famous method of handling everything in the Philippines. Sometime the best denail answer is the simple "it is not true" that seems to work so well as it is accepted and there is no followup questions. Worked for Puno in the Senate hearings last week

    I disagree in regards to "no Management". There is management but they are making poor decisions. I think they are just looking for solutions for the dissipation of Why Not's followers but making poor management decisions. I have attended only once since I felt they tried to turn it into a gay club with their gay comedy nights. Management has the right to make any decision they want, and I have the right to vote with my pesos for anything I like. My pesos voted for the smaller clubs, particularly Sizzlers last Friday night. It was a fun but very crowded experience. It was so fun never made it to BarRock, or Tiki Tiki, Hey a Hey, etc.

    If they announce they are showing the Forumula One races please let me know..I would love to watch that in the Why Not.it was very crowded for the last Manny fight, so maybe a sports bar would be a good idea. Unfortunately that would probably cause the DJ to leave and then screw up a another night club.
  3. Koala

    Koala DI Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    The Swiss management of the Why Not does'n't careless about making a big profit anymore......In the early days under the name of Music Box the large profit made from the disco went to building their resort in Dauin.
  4. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    To make a bold statement like that, you probably have insider information. Given you say the owner could care less about making a profit, could you please see the prices for wine and cheese in his deli are significantly lowered accordingly and I will shop there. Thanks in advance for the cost reduction.
  5. Koala

    Koala DI Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +55 / 3
    The thread is about the disco section of Whynot. The Swiss Deli has always been seperate from the Disco....I went to the opening of the Music Box in 1992 with the owner and a lot of water has flown under the bridge since then.

    You are right about the prices in the Deli are a bit on the high side and have always been that way at the Deli.....We take a run to Rustans in Cebu every 3 months for food products that you can't buy here.....that's another topic

    The Disco is not important to the owners anymore as the Resort is their big cash cow and must come first in maintaining and up grading the resort with the increasing amounts of competition and the developement of other resorts in and around Lipayo and Dauin.


    If they are not interested to improve the Disco sub lease that section out if the owner of the building permits.
  6. Anna

    Anna DI Member

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    I was wondering how you know that Denial is the famous method of handling everything in the Philippines? I am dying to know since you speak of it as if you know everything there is to know about The Philippines. Enlighten us. Please dont say that is all because of a DJ and a senator because that is not acceptable, there must be some other explanations...
  7. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Denial is not alwasy in the form of words

    Anna you question was regarding use of denial in the Philippines. If you are not aware the denial is used daily here then you are now aware of what is going on. Sometimes denial is the way a Filipino looks over into the clouds when you ask them a question, as it they did not hear you (denying they hear you) or acting as if they do not understand what you said (another form of denial) It would take pages to list out all the forms of denial that goes not here. Most of the time there is no follow up questions to pin down an answer. The denial answer is accepted as a form of Filipino courtesy. Denial is used because no one wants to admit they could be wrong or loose face...so they just stop the communication cold...with a form of denial.

    This thread was focused on Why Not disco. Denial was brought up because that was the form of response from the DJ to Steve B. If you want a further discussion on "Denial" I suggest you start a thread on the use of denial here in the Philipiines and you could probably get a lot of responses.
  8. Anna

    Anna DI Member

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    Dave you mentioned denial first and you used it to describe the DJ at Why Not and stereotype so it will seem like it is an everyday thing in the Philippines which is not entirely true. I dont know how you base your assumption, it would have been ok if you used the word in such a way that it doesnt involve all of the Philippines but this phrase that you used "The DJ. reply was a form of Denial, the famous method of handling everything in the Philippines" is just not right. We are just talking about Why Not so why do you have to involve the whole Philippines? BTW, you started "Denial: famous method of handling everything in the Philippines" so why dont you start your own thread since it is all your idea or maybe you are in denial about starting it all? just saying...
  9. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I now pronounce you man and wife....
  10. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
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    hmmm ...

    Definition of DENIAL

    : a psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality

    why does that sound extremely familiar, not only in why not...