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Why not WHY NOT?

Discussion in 'Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment' started by onlymichael, Jan 19, 2013.

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  1. OP

    onlymichael DI Member

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    Ok, thanks for the clarification. I wasn't accusing you of anything, I was mostly curious as to how you discovered the formal arrangement between the GROs and Why Not. It was obvious to me what they were doing but I did not know they were actually employed by the Mgmnt there which I probably should have surmised if I had thought about it more.

    Everyone has a right to operate their business they way they want within certain limits
    If the GROs aren't pushy aggressive, dishonest or manipulative and guys want to do that, no problem. Just not my cup of tea.

    I'd like to see a place to meet Filipinas looking for partners that does not involve buying ladies drinks or having someone push you to buy drinks.

    I think it is possible to run a nightclub/disco that has quality music, decent drink prices and where average people go to meet and dance, but I think it's not easy to do and they are not common. Maybe a place like Bennigan's back in the States sorta like Cheers, where you can just meet and talk. But that takes alot of startup capital and Dumag is a small town, probably without the population base to support it.

    Also let's face it. The average young, good looking Filipina is not looking to jump into bed with an old, probably fugly foreigner without money on her mind.
  2. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    It is a matter of attitude and choice

    When I came here 18 months ago, I figured I could choose one of two approaches. One approach was to try to change everyone in Dumaguete to my way of thinking. The other approach was I could accept what Dumaguete is, enjoy the good, avoid the bad and live peacefully. I usually chose the second in my daily living, although I will admit that sometimes I go with the first approach and get upset.
    I think the same approach applies to the bar scene. I do not go to what I consider the bad bars that are not to my liking, I enjoy the good ones, and enjoy my life. I am very happy here. It is all an attitude issue. Even my bad bars are busy, so someone likes them.
    Does Why Not need improvments?….YES. But if you can find anything in Dumaguete other than Coca Amigos’ Pork Crepe that does not need improvement you are doing great. Although the crepe is great the service that comes with the crepe sucks, but I go and get a great crepe and sucking service (keep a clean mind on that statement…I am not talking about the sucking service at Tocino Country)… That is the fun of the Philippines, and I think every other place in the world is probably the same. If Dumaguete or Why Not does not work with you then you should probably change where you are. Thank God we still have the ability to chose. In general Filipinos in my opinion are not looking for suggestions on how to improve much of anything around here O-|. …. But then that should be another thread.
  3. OP

    onlymichael DI Member

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    Nothing to do with Philippines....

    This really has nothing to do with accepting the R.P. as it is and as you state. We have the SAME kinds of places in the U.S. as do most countries. It's just a question of value for the money and not being scammed. A drink hustler is pretending to offer something that her mark will never receive.

    In the USA we have clip joints and strip joints (aka t*tty bars, etc). Some guys spend their weekly paycheck getting teased by women they frequently think they have a shot at getting to bed. In most cases these women are simply hustling them to buy drinks or lap dances. But in the USA there are not many places that serve "ladies drinks" which I define as small, usually liquorless (tea etc) drinks at inflated prices. Mexico also operates like the Philippines, but in Mexico most all of the women you buy drinks for are available for sex also, so the ladies drink is like a shopping charge. In clip joints, you are paying a woman to talk to you for a very short time in hopes you will score with that woman. If you are in an illegal whorehouse in USA that is also a clip joint, you can also get laid for additional cash. In the strip joints you pay to have some partially clothed woman grind her clothed butt into your clothed lap. Some guys spend hundreds a week often paying for this and drinks. If they spend enough and frequent the place enough, they will eventually "get lucky", but not very frequently. I never engaged in any of this stuff because it is a scam. If I go to a place like this to meet or buy a woman, I do not want to waste money on meaningless,vacuous chitchat by buying tea for some hustler to talk to me and smile at me. In Japan they have a variation of this with Geisha houses, but in that case the women are highly trained and have entertainment talents that usually do not include sex-they can sing, massage, etc. and the training is very intensive. For the life of me I cannot see why someone would pay for inflated drinks just to talk to some Filipina who probably cannot speak English well unless he is stupid enough to think this woman might sleep with him. You mentioned that some of these women at why not are available for sex. That was not my impression from observing their behavior with the men there. They behave just like drink hustlers and are really scamming the men that are foolish enough to buy them "drinks".
    I suppose some guys do this willingly even knowing they will not get laid. Perfectly ok by me if they want to throw their money away.
    But this is not an R.P specific thing, it exists all over the world, so your comments about me accepting the Philippines are not relevant or on point imo. Do you think I came to this Country without knowing about the pitfalls? I did not I assure you. I studied the Country for years before coming here. Very few suprises once I got here or anything I did not know about in advance. I have no problem with why not as I am too smart to fall for their bulls**t, high prices and bad service. That's just my opinion(whose else can I give), YMMV. I suspect you are connected with management there or have some other special interest since you tell me I should leave Dumaguete or the R.P. if I don't like why not. I probably won't answer additional posts on this topic as it's starting to turn into an knitting circle type discourse which also shows what a small town this is. Don't misunderstand me, I like Dumaguete, but not for places like why not.
  4. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Pissing contest

    I agree with you that this is a very small town, and Why Not is even a small community of gossip.
    I just want to rebut your accusation that I was connected with management of Why Not. As I stated I was not, however you seem to be committed to accusing me of lying about that fact. Many people on the forum have meet, and know me personally, and know I am not part of management. From my first post on this thread I was just trying to help you understand Why Not. I never asked you to do anything other than accept it or use your right not to go there, the same for the City of Dumaguete.
    Let me also clarify that any woman at Why Not, employees or others, may be able to participate in sex with men they meet there, but I was told that was not part of the job function or the responsibilities of the ladies who work for Why Not. In their private lives they have choices just like you and I do. I was a business owner for over 40 years in the US. Since you seem to be from the US, you know about the sexual harassment issues there. Even in the Philippines, most employer are not so dumb as to get involved in the sex trade, other than the pure pimp people.
    If you look at my statistics on this forum, specifically on how many “thank you’s” I have and the percentage of “thank you's”, you will realize that I am often helpful to the members on the forum and they express their thanks. I was just trying to help you with your naivety and apprehensions about Why Not. I do not think I ever defended Why Not. Look at those same “thank you” statistics for yourself, and ask why you have never been given a single “thank you” for your 77 posts. I have received 19 times more” likes” than you have with less than 4 times the number of posts. I would suggest before you accuse people of lying you might just want to do some research, as I did with the lady drink issue. This forum should be light hearted and fun, and FRIENDLY not a pissing contest like this thread has become.
    How did I get all my information? I am able to talk to people without offending them most of the time or calling them liars, so I can get information from them. Since I had my own business for over 40 years, I am always curious about the financial aspects of a business. So I am friendly and I get answers to the questions I ask about how the financial system works with in the club. It seems like you did not know that GRO's were employed by the club (your second post, #7 on this thread) , and got offended. If you were really observant you would have realized that the lady you though had fallen in love with you only wanted you to buy her a drink. I accept the system instead of wasting my time trying to bad mouth the realities of the world because they do not meet my values or expectations. Studying something for years, is a lot different than being in the trenches and experiencing the realities. The way anyone achieves anything is by being friendly and gently asking questions, or violence acts, such as your accusation that I was part of management to cover up your lack of knowledge. I never took offense at your post other your accusation I was part of management and was only trying to clarify your concerns. Now it is your choice to do what you want to do, go to Why Not or not, respond and defend your accusations or go in peace. Life is about decisions and choices. Seems like you have some to make.
    I am from the US, so I know all about the clubs you mention. I have also traveled the world and seen clubs in other places. I am not naive or offend by most people’s behavior. But I do have my own reputation to defend, and Imp’s also. Sorry I have got to go and drink some water, this pissing contest has dehydrated me.
  5. SteveB

    SteveB DI Forum Adept

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    I know Dave personally and he is an honest, straight-forward guy. I have been going to Whynot regularly for the last 4 years and I believe the information that he has presented is acurate.
  6. OP

    onlymichael DI Member

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    It was Dave /Imp..

    It was Dave/Imp who claimed they were GROs employed by why not, I never said that.
    My impression was same as yours, freelance hustlers pushing foreigners to buy overpriced drinks. Whether they are getting a commission from why not is for me a matter of speculation since Dave won't identify the source of his claim that they are GRO employees of the bar. It seems plausible to me that they are getting something in return else why would they do it?

    And I agree with you also the attitude of the locals as seen in Why Not is poor and reminds me of clip joints in the U.S. and elsewhere. Same for the bartenders there. Least a place like why not can do is hire congenial staff, especially bartenders.

    I agree also that Dumag is not the place for an easy pickup and those visiting should bring a friend. However if you want to work at it and play the dating game, they can be had, usually with a price (not a straight pay for play usually). I have done much better just walking down the boulevard in Dumag. There is no need to waste money at places like why not.

    Most all women, especially Filipinas are attention whores as you have noted.

    Thanks for your reply.
  7. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    onlymichael, your comment is insulting to the ladies on this forum and to my wife and others. If you are referring only to the Why Not girls, then state that. Otherwise if you think that of all filipinas then go get laid by a bayot.
  8. rechel

    rechel DI Forum Adept

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    Don't count me in. I'm not insulted, of being attention whores.... I know I am one. hehehhehe.

    Chill Out Guys..
  9. Firefly44

    Firefly44 DI Forum Adept

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    Now I prefer Rhoody,s choice of words, it gives to me a better impression of the writer when generalising about us unique and civilised beings. No offence intended.

    Take care all.
  10. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    I agree with the last 3 posts, firefly44, Rechel and Pat. This is Dumagueteinfo. not a wh*re fiest.
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