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Will you keep a gun when living the Philippines?

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by pickled_newt, May 8, 2007.

  1. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Greetings Alarmist, I too have had a lot of experience with firearms. Although retired military now I recently qualified on a military range at the expert level both pistal and rifle. Unfortunately the PI does not see fit to allow foreigners to own or possess guns and that is it, period. As for personal safety I figure I will just use whatever legal means are left should that become necessary. Since I do enjoy shooting as a sport I may try to get my relatives or wife to get me into a gun club one day but that is not a priority for me just yet.

    With that out of the way, what brings you to the PI and how long are you staying? Is it dumaguete you are interested in, or was it some other place?
  2. Rick&Sue

    Rick&Sue DI Forum Adept

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    QUOTE from Hosea: "In my case, I just want to shoot stuff like cans, trees, dogs on my property that don’t belong and maybe even birds. My renter had 7000 fish in one of our large ponds until one or two birds ate 6900. I don’t like stepping on bugs so I’m not sure I could even kill a bird."

    * * *

    Are you serious????? Unless you have a fenced-in yard, get used to it... Be glad you don't live on my street, LOL
  3. galeb

    galeb DI New Member

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    I see one real problem with having metal grills on windows, in case of fire, you can be trapped in a room with no way to escape. This has happened many times in the US where in many neighborhoods, people think they must have the grills for security reasons.
    Calling someone for help in most cases will not be an option, according to statistics, the average break-in lasts less than 5 minutes and yes, police or friends with guns, can't get there in time. So, I don't see the use in the ham radio for that purpose. Would only work if your help is only a door or two away and then might get them killed if they confront the criminal.
  4. galeb

    galeb DI New Member

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    Yes, some people shouldn 't have a gun

    Yes, some people shouldn 't have a gun, those that don't learn how to safely handle one. For the average person that is not a problem.
  5. roadking

    roadking DI Member Veteran Air Force

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    I run with the Not exactacly ' shooting his mouth off about having a weapon' , But keep a gun & are not secrative about it,it is
    legaly registerd after all. Lets face it, it woud allways get out with the amount of gossip there is in this country.
    I see it as a positive deterent, If I knew there was a firearm in the house I would certainly think twice about robbing it.
    As far as gun ownership is concerned only Filopino citizens can hold duly registerd & liecened weapons. this is what the gun shops will tell you.
    Oh & Junkyard Dog if you fell you need all this security window grilles etc , Maybe you should consider moving to a different part of town...
  6. stevewatson

    stevewatson Guest Guest User

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    What Country were you in when showing your weapon saved you ?
  7. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I wonder precisely what point asking what country he was in is leading up to? The next country I set foot in that has no thugs will be the first one. Nobody has a monopoly on thugs or bums that I have heard of.
  8. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    You may not get answers from some of the previous posters, as this thread had been dormant for almost 3 years before it was resurrected today.
  9. jon

    jon DI New Member

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    This is an old thread, and i am an old dog, hehe. I first posted this back in 2007, and for the most part I still think it holds true. I will repost as I am sure most have not gone back to the beginning of this thread to see what was said.
    "I am a newcomer here, both on the forum and the Philippines. But what I have learned here in the Philippines as been learned quickly. I traveled alone for almost a year. People told me I was crazy. I traveled on my motorcycle into the hills of Cebu, and Negros mountains without fear. Rode from Bacolod to dumgte. to Bayawan and beyond. Maybe as some counciled I should have had some,(fear that is). I never met anything but friendly people, at worst indifference. I have no doubt met so called NPA without knowing who or what they where., still trying to figure out the subtle differences between various opposition groups. I'll start that thread later.

    Anyway, with the danger of preaching to the converted, there is nothing like living in the place first and get the drift of things first hand before getting your mindset cast about fire arms possession here. I am not anti gun, don't peg me, I know several guys who carry handguns, don't ask aout the legality, I didn't.
    In my limited experience, houshold robberies are few, most foreigner suitable properties have extensive walls, gates, and grills on the window. Best protection of all is relatives living next door or friendly neighbors.
    The real danger, not that I think it is a looming threat, is traveling at night on a motorcycle in a unaware state of mind. Walking alone with a bag, or at night. Drive by holduppers travel in teams, one with a gun, one driving the motorbike. Where you gona keep your hand gun, under your seat?
    I may live to eat my words, but watching ones back, making sure no one is following you, or stalking you, is the best defense against random crime here. If you go looking for trouble, you are likely to find it. Having a hand gun for peace of mind is great as long as you are aware of the consequences if you find the need to use it.
    The justice system here is not like the U.S.. Local status, who you are related to, and wealth win. ( on second thougt it is a lot like the U.S. only more so). Favoring locals over visitors.

    Better to make peace with the local clan leader in your neighborhood or Barangay in my opinion. They, once you have their respect will protect you at your home. Dogs are a great idea as well. When your traveling is the issue, and a foreigner can not legally carry a gun here. So, unless you plan on having your spouse ride shotgun every trip to town... not meaning to harp, just a plea for open mindedness".
    Since that time in 7 years living here I have been held up at gunpoint once in Dumaguete (another thread here somewhere)and once was a victim of a truly skillfull cat burglar in Cebu. Both were probably due to my own stupidity. I survived both incidences with no injuries because I did not have a gun. If you feel you need a gun here to be safe, or if your "property" is worth killing over your in the wrong country, go back to the U.S. where fear of everything permeates the culture and mass random shootings are common. (They are not here).
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I also don't see the purpose of having a gun here. All it'll do is get you in trouble. I enjoy range shooting and own a couple firearms back in the US. But here that just isn't a sport worth taking part in considering the punishment for just handling a gun here. I had a guy break into my place about 8 months ago two nights in a row. Had a new bathroom installed in the back and bars had not been put on the window and the door had not had a proper lock on it.

    My helper was not there the first night and the guy stole about 50 pesos of coins, a few broken cell phones and a large knife I had.Second night my helper was there, he tried to make off with the charger for one of the broken cell phones but as my helper walked out of the CR he grabbed her and tried to rape her or kill her, not sure which. Again about 25 pesos of coins were taken off the table.

    Odd thing was that my $600 camera and my laptop were sitting right next to the coins both nights. I heard through the grape vine that my helper was talking sh*t about a filipino who tried to court her and gossiping about the family. I find this is likely as she liked to gossip around town about my doings (or who I was doing). In the end she was ok, her hospital bill cost me more than what he stole (1800 pesos). She quit the following month and went back to her mountain home in Bayawan. I assume she learned a lesson.

    Point being, they waited for me to leave (both nights this happened within 20 minutes of leaving). They caught her by surprise leaving her no time to get to my gun....err I mean, if I had one she wouldn't have gotten to it. I suspect this is how most burglars, rapists, assassins would go about it. You would be stupid to reach for a gun if you are being held up. They would shoot you 5 times before your hand even touched the gun. A better option is to keep a blade attached to your belt in the rear. If a single criminal tried to hold you up you could act like you are going for the wallet and then give them a surprise in the throat. If more than one, just give them your wallet. You had better be trained to do this or you'll likely end up getting shot though.