Ran into a few guys with sad stories this week, expecting a job here when they finished their Dive courses. Were the misled or just naive? Is there a diving job for you? WPG Philcan toursWPG Philcan Travel & Tours
From the article: If a person gets a degree at a college do they expect that college to hire them as a professor immediately following their graduation?
After reading the full article I would like to add that if the company was serious about hiring a dive master they would either: 1. Find someone already certified (I'm sure there are plenty of qualified people out there willing to relocate to Dumaguete.....and a job listing on a reputable job finding website would last all of.....what, 2 seconds before the employer was bombarded by people desperate for the opportunity?) or 2. Pay for the person's training and have their visa already lined up before the person came to the Philippines. Believing anything else is just being naive/gullible.
lol, and the amazing thing Was one of them did not even bring enough money for a flight back to Manila from Dumaguete. Naive and gullible were two of the kinder words going through my mind when I heard that.