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Wow look at the numbers, covid makes it more save?

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by Dutchjob, Aug 25, 2020.

  1. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    I actually haven’t noticed any doubters in this thread. Everybody acknowledges the potential hazards of COVID19. Nor do I see complacency. I do see an acknowledgment that the actual numbers we are seeing are much different than the original predictions. It is a good thing to review data and begin to form a picture based on what the actual numbers say rather than what the predictions said.

    And while your telling of your experience with your friend is heartrending as they always are, it is a one off; it is anecdotal. The data simply doesn’t say that most people are in danger of spending 50 days on a ventilator anymore than most people will get heart attacks, cancer or die in car accidents. We should not be complacent about any of that but the dangers of covid19 are no less nor more than other major diseases and accidents that plague our society.

    And sorry if this sounds cold but these dangers must be balanced by considering the effects of economic collapse, especially on a poor country. We always have for other dangers and it should be no different with covid.

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  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I agree with that as stress can have terrible effects on the body if prolonged.

    But is there not the case of a bit of fear, leading to stress and other anxieties, causing people to take more precautions against catching Covid-19 (and certain other diseases, such as AIDS) and thus lowering the spread of the virus?
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  3. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    My comments regarding Doubters and Complacency was aimed at anyone who may well be reading this Thread who does not take the threat seriously ( or as in Maine USA, people who attend functions, not social distancing and spread the virus) . I agree there is economic consquences for every country, more so in poor countries, sad truth is, the poor have always been poor, something other countries may well be about to experience. But that is another subject you may like to discuss in another thread.
    My wife's sister has just informed her that Illigan City Mindanao has now got a serious problem with Covid. Like in the past we will send what we can afford to help those in need.
    respectfully JB
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  4. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    I get the impression that you are currently not living in the Philippines. Not sure. If you were (or currently are) living here you would realize that this country has had the longest and strictest lockdown on the globe. You don’t find many here who do not take the lockdown seriously because they are not allowed to have that attitude. I have not heard too much about travel bans between states in the US as we have between provinces here, or not allowing wives to ride on the backs of husbands motorcycles without the use of barriers. I didn’t hear about face shields being required when riding public transportation there, certainly no liquor bans. There are no elder bans there where people over 60 cannot venture out unless they get a certificate from the local govt authority for a given date specifying exactly which stores they can go to for buying necessary commodities.

    I did see on the news protests by people who did not want to wear masks. Wear masks? That is a GIVEN in this country, even while driving a car. I did see protesters, rioters and looters not wearing masks on the tv coverage doing things that they would be shot on sight doing here.Authorities would not look kindly on burning and looting or even mass protests I suspect.

    This is a group about the Philippines...Dumaguete...and I assure you that we are not at all like Maine as you describe it. The cities here experience Covid waves all the time; it is much more crowded here and probably much more difficult to contain despite relatively draconian measures taken that would never be accepted in the US.

    Yes, the poor will probably always be poor, with or without covid and I guess that is a point you want to make. But there are degrees of poverty that get much worse with the lockdowns. A breadwinner here might make 200-500 pesos a day which is living on the edge but enough to prevent outright starvation. With the lockdowns that money is gone but the money for whatever social services they had has run out. And it is getting worse. They are not complacent.

    It is good that you send relatives money as many other members of this forum have done, some for many years and even decades. Keep up the good work in that arena as they can surely use it. Meanwhile the country struggles to understand what is going on, hopefully re-evaluating the last predictions and making the tough decisions as to how to balance economic devastation with lockdowns that may have some impact on covid How much impact? We don’t know.

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  5. hiddenuser

    hiddenuser Guest Guest User

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    yes, it is a truth, a sad truth, that the poor have always been poor. another sad truth is that old people always die of something.
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  6. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Absolutely. Well written
  7. OP

    Dutchjob DI Member

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    How easy is it to half read a post.

    First i stated we should behalve responsible, i dont think being stupid will qualify as responsible?

    But to deny the science is stupid also. And science shows stress and anxiety weakens the immunesystem with all concequences in this pandemic.

    But thats is just my opinion, everybody can have their own. Without science we end up with bike barriers, face shields and many other questionable rules. You can even be president of major countries worldwide and deny the science. Mostly those countries are not very succesfull fighting this virus so far....
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  8. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Politics. You cannot resist getting in your dig. Presidents of major countries have far more data available to them than forum participants issuing their keyboard virtue signals.

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  9. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    True, during illegal raves in the UK, participants throw bottles and other objects at the police - how long would they remain standing if they did that in the Philippines!
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  10. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    But some do not have the brains to make use of it.
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