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Best Posts in Thread: Yada Yada / The Off Topic Arena

  1. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    So you and I and all those who rated my post positively are in full agreement.

    But now you say people who think like that have closed minds, are immature and are "sanctimonious and hypocritical". So:
    1. You have labelled yourself in that way also as you just said you agree with us.
    2. What meaning do you attach to the word 'sanctimonious'? 'Acting as if morally better than others'? If that is the case then, I agree, we are morally better than "scum foreigners who falsely promise a better life etc in order to get laid and disappear" (YOUR words) - and therefore so must you be as you said they make you sick. Or are you saying those who defend higher moral values in society are 'acting'? And how would you know that we are 'acting' if you are not aware of how we behave in our lives?
    3. I thought 'hypocritical' was already included within the definition of 'sanctimonious'.
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    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
  2. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Some fair points have been made on this post. I think most girls here agreeing to become a partner of an older foreigner to help provide for their families and themselves are knowingly making tremendous sacrifices. Even if there is a marriage their families will be always be number one. If they are treated respectfully, you may be fortunate enough to gain their affection over time. Be honest and trustworthy and they may be as well.
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    The thread was locked and will fade into the archives to be forgotten. Please refrain from similar topics in the future.

    Here is the forum staff list for future reference:
    Personal opinion and admin/moderator duties do not always line up. The problem, at least on my end, wasn't so much the activity itself, it is the promotion/encouragement/hinting around of sex tourism on this site. There are plenty of forums that fill the niche of promoting, giving advice and encourage discussions on sex tourism in the Philippines. It is exactly the same as porn in my view; there is a time and a place...this forum is neither.

    I think everyone should get off his @ss now that he has l taken some lashings, has refrained from snapping back at the snide comments obviously directed at him and is making far more useful/positive posts now.

    That being said, I won't delete the thread in question, I think it serves as a reminder and warning that it is generally not welcome here and will be met with hostility by the admin, moderators and possibly users. If he can convince another admin or moderator to take action and remove it then more power to him.
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  4. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Had the US not intervened in WW2 we would all now be: dead, slaves, speaking German, speaking Japanese. I prefer to be what I am and thanks to the many US servicemen who along with others from the Free World fought against brutal German and Japanese aggression at great cost to them and to their families.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Yeah, I knew where you were going with it and that you didn't really care about the sources.

    Here is what I asked in the thread you are getting this idea from:
    I was genuinely interested in learning more about it and I had searched for sources...but being the Philippines, many times these things are not reported on or recorded online by the government (or can be very difficult to find). Other members caught on to that and, while not direct sources, provided some instances of how they knew the government regulates the nursing curriculum, which was perfectly acceptable. I almost always search for sources to verify facts that surprise me before asking a user for one.

    Your reply of;
    was lazy and counter to everything forums are about. I fully understand and respect that you, and many others, won't agree with my opinions or how I interpret the repercussions and/or causes of certain statistics and facts (and I'm probably wrong a lot of times and there have been plenty of old posts of mine I went back to and completely disagree with now), but I don't think many here would accuse me of being lazy, unwilling to engage in conversation or unwilling to help people out when I can. I also can't recall an instance where I got butt-hurt when someone asked me for a source or to add to/expand on my opinion. But then again, 10k posts and there are quite a few made while drunk. Just because I can't recall it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
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  6. MikeP64

    MikeP64 DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines

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    Another list of places for me to avoid.
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  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Not a good idea to throw your email out there on a public forum or social media. People can do a reverse email lookup and find out more information about you (example: you have registered to 6 social media sites with that email). I personally have absolutely zero interest in learning more about you or signing you up on spam lists, but others may.

    A better option is to request someone send you a private message.
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    • Informative Informative x 2
  8. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    All the best for 2018 everyone
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  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I fully understand that. There is no way for me to force people to leave a reason for a dislike/disagree. There are many features I would like the forum to have that just aren't there. Forcing a person to leave a reason why they disagree/dislike or an "Are you sure" type of verification box before leaving a neutral or negative rating would be one of those features I would like to add.

    Off-topic (since we are in the off-topic thread): I would also like a side conversation (or off-topic thread within a thread) option that throws an expandable smaller sub-thread/reply chain under posts so that users can stay in the same thread while going off-topic while not bothering other users. Kinda how Reddit does it. That sh*t forum software I tried before this one had that feature...unfortunately the rest of the software was (and still is) complete sh*t. It is certainly doable on this software....but by someone much better at coding than I am.

    I was just joking around about the "I give up" part. I get why you don't like them. Nobody enjoys getting dislikes or disagrees on a forum without knowing why, especially on posts where you were just giving an opinion that was asked for by someone else. It's a forum, there is supposed to be conversation. I personally find it kind of lazy to just hit the disagree button without giving a reason. So I get that side of it. I suppose I meant for it to be more of a "agree to disagree" type of thing, as it was when I gave AlwaysRT a disagree. I had already stated my reasons why I disagreed with his post, ad nauseam, in that thread and others and the reason for the disagree was already well established.

    I think that 25 posts to leave a disagree might not be enough. Might raise it to 100-200 posts. We'll see. Since only the OP of a thread can receive one it might not even be worth the extra effort.
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  10. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    :biggrin: lol no worries mate we all hiccup from time to time :hilarious: Hope you're on the mend soon :wink:
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