Hmmmmmmmmmm Excuse me, but I resemble that remark. next you will be telling us that TV "DALLAS" was a Myth and Houston is a Figment of our Imagination but it's OK as long as you don't tell me Father Christmas is Dead, that, I could not Cope with. M.M not Listening JP
I'm sure you all know it's not like the western movies but the jokes about cowboys and indians, six shooters or steers and queers are pretty worn out. You guys need to come up with something a bit more original.
Hmmmmmmm only if the car is Solar Powered. but There is a price list on another Thread bye Wyre Nice to see you flexing those fingers on the keyboard Robert, Things OK? JP FYI Dumaguete Airport parking fee has started today FYI | Dumaguete info - The Website of Gentle People
Back in HS I had my left ear pierced, which was fairly common then (as well as the mullet and long hair). When I joined the USAF the earing was out and not thought about again, until much later. A couple years after I retired my kids visited me in Korea and as they were teenagers and I do not feel bad about pissing the ex off, they wanted a number of piercings that were not available back in the US or their mom would not allow. Anyone that has been outside the gates of Osan know there are a number of places doing tats and piercings. Long story short, the kids talked me into get my ear pierced again; I only went with the left ear at the time as that was how I grew up. Lately I have been thinking about getting my right ear pierced as well since it is normal now. The other week I decided to do it, it has been long enough so I put in the gecko earing I picked up previously; went with the gecko as I think most think of them when picturing the tropics. It is pretty small and the left carries the diamond. Definitely off topic but think the little gecko is cool...I do have too much time on my hands sometimes. Shawn
Sounds to me that you are adjusting to the normal Filipino culture quite well. If you still have a lot of time on your hands I heard that Lee Plaza is having a sale on stilettos next week, not the type you used in your military career. (sorry I just could not resist, we all get to venture about in our lives here, which is why many of us moved here in the first place. I hope you can laugh. )
We've met before so hopefully you got the impression that I am a pretty easy going guy; that said I don't mind some good natured ribbing on a few posts that I may make. My wife has really been under the weather the past few days (serious sinus cold) so other than taking care of her and the kids the switch from the original piercing stud to the little gecko was a highlight of my day... Shawn