Charley has been around long enough to understand the light banter. But to ease it I will move it all. "Some of the people" and all that. But....................... Enough said OR do we want to go back the Bavarian attitude
New record for most off topic posts moved to this thread in a single moderator action (11 of them)! Let's all get along now. Group hug.
If you do not have a tree, then break a branch off the a neighbor's, tree with their permission, and stick it into the ground. It will start growing. Many times the branches are stuck into the ground for use a fence posts. The tree leaves are extremely nutritious, check them out on the internet. They are good in almost everything... had them in spaghetti last night... Filipino style... .
John! If I lived in Valencia or had Transport to get there I would, However if someone would like to Post/( PM me) the Address and Telephone/Contact details I will surely find time to do it.