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Yada Yada / The Off Topic Arena

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by Rye83, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. gerry_bc

    gerry_bc DI Forum Adept

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    Agreed...but no 1 brought it up and Izzy shared a very negative (non explained) review of a restaurant. How hard would it have been for the writer to at the very least give some explanation of why this was one of the "worst"?? You are right , it is not the responsibility of the customer to tell the owner if they are not happy.... but.... to put out a post like he/she did and offer no grounds for the post is unfair to the restaurant. Senorita's is a sponsor here and I think would gladly respond if any customer in the future would make a post that they could address as opposed to a 1 liner that has no substance...... And if you can quote any substance to the original post I apologize in advance..Also the prices are on the menu and the customer knew in advance what the meal would cost. Please let this be a learning lesson to all who post and read to make your posts a little bit more informing to those who read here.Constructive criticism is great... , and the owners of any establishment should/will strive to learn from these posts and provide a better venue for those who support them...
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  2. OP

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    #2 is my only issue with the post in question. It doesn't help anyone out and is, as you put it, "worthless", when it comes to a review. I fully understand that everyone has different tastes and expectations, especially when it comes to "Mexican" food. Example: My dad thinks that the chili you find in Cincinnati is the only way to make "proper" chili.....it has spaghetti noodles in it FFS and absolutely no spicy element. There is no way that should be labeled "chili" in my mind, beef stew/soup, perhaps, but chili should have, you know, chili in it. I turn my nose up to that but if I happened to find that silly concoction served here in Dumaguete I wouldn't call it "the worse food I've had in Dumaguete"....because I've actually been here for more than a week and I've ate at many little eateries where they leave the "food" sitting out for 6+ hours for the flies to land on right after they, literally, just got done snacking on some human feces in the open sewer a couple meters away.

    Since the worse food you can find in Dumaguete/the Philippines that is regularly eaten is feces I would be quite upset with a customer giving something I served fresh out of the kitchen that label. The only thing that might get that label from me would be a dish served with actual human body parts in it. Since there was absolutely nothing constructive in the review I would only be able to come to one of two conclusions: 1. the review was posted by a troll or 2. the review was left by a complete idiot. Both of which would p*ss me off even further since I don't like wasting time on trolls or idiots. (Even though I seem to be forced to do more and more of it these days.)

    None of that really matters though, the forum has rules on leaving negative reviews: they must be constructive. If someone can't respect the rules here then they shouldn't be posting. If I go over to someone's house and they kick off their shoes before going inside, I do the same. If they say grace before eating I don't go off on an "imaginary sky daddy" rant and tell them everything they believe in is a lie, no sir, I STFU, quietly sit there, put my head down and act like I'm praying. If someone has some ridiculous/very weird house that I just can't stand I don't go back to their house. I've actually made it a sh*t load easier than making a first time visit to someone's home: the rules are actually posted and you are forced to agree on them before even entering this website. I'm curious why it is so d*mn hard for people to figure out. I wish all households did the same, could have kept me out of a some uncomfortable situations: "Wait, rule #10...you want to watch me do what to your wife after dinner?! Hmm, what's for dinner again? Chili-mac? And that's your wife? And rule #6 says no booze? Go **** the fat cow yourself you cheap c***!"
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  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Some people are pompous enough to believe they have more money and thus more class than the rest of us. What they don't realize is your reputation here is what is important in the expat community and how much money you have doesn't mean you have class. Actually here nobody really cares what you have, what you have done, or what you know. What is important is if you are a good enough guy to enjoy a refreshment and a conversation without having to listen how great you are. Most of us know who the few as*****s are and hopefully they stay off the forum.
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  4. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Forums as a communication channel is like an alternate universe where the laws of physics are totally different. It takes some skill and experience to use this channel. Not much, but I could write 100 things not to do and watch the inexperienced break all of them as he / she makes mistakes. It's like watching cattle follow each other off a cliff. You know what's coming, but they don't until it's too late.

    I treat bad forum communication sort of like I treat a difficult drunk. I don't take anything personal from drunk people, help them as I'm able and remind myself to be patient... because... drunk. I know the person is more reasonable in different circumstances (the next morning).

    Sales, persuasion and just general communication are difficult enough face to face. Applying those skills to text based communication adds another set of difficulty. A pitch which may get X conversion rate face to face may not get the same results in a forum.

    Resorting to some sort of name calling, bullying, button-pushing is something we are all susceptible to, even if we don't let it get past our tongue (or our fingers). The spark still fires even if it quickly dies. I try not to judge others based on this, especially not in an internet forum. I just use this information to prioritize how I allocate my limited attention space (close tab).

    We may be overthinking this. It was just a classic case of internet blowup. Nothing to see here, move along.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    You can't sugar coat someone asking you to invest and when you decline they say you have no money or class.

    Someone who has been a member since 2007 and had 8 posts? Then they came and asked for money in a thread in which they made 9 more posts? Something wrong there?

    That is someone who is not part of the forum community, they are only here to raise cash?

    How does someone usually react when someone who is a complete stranger to you, out of the blue asks you to join him in an enterprise, your part being to put up the cash?
  6. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    The scammer had a personal reference from a respected member of this forum.
    I'd accept that over the someones gazing into a crystal ball.
    Comments were made about him being arrogant. I thought he was pretty polite in view of the vitriol spewed at him.
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  7. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    He's not an active participant here. But he has been part of the Dumaguete community for quite some time. As I said, he was one of the first people I met when I first got here. And he helped me a lot those days. From his business, he is relatively well known here. I bet he will be able to raise the funds, if he feels he needs to (rather than deciding to put up the expenses himself).

    I hope this generates interest. If any of you would like a face to face meeting, we could organize a group trip or something.

    NOTE: I'm in no way involved with this and I had no prior knowledge of it.

    I have been seriously considering moving to a country in which could provide me a second citizenship. I may do some touring around within the next year. This idea comes at a good time for me.
  8. knobhead

    knobhead The Knobster Infamous

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    I would suggest that a person who is wanting to get others enthusiastic about any cause, would want to use and practice a great deal of patience and humility. Trying first to organize a group meeting and presentation of his Ideas and goals, laying the benefits of joining the crusade. The request for supporting funds always comes last and is never demanded. Things like this endeavor takes time and effort to buildup support for.
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  9. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    I just reread Dave's first and some of the reactions are surprising to me. It's a bit like beating up the Salvation Army guy instead of just walking by if you have no interest. I admit Dave could have sold his idea a little better. Something like are you tired of making visa runs? Would you like to have Filipino citizenship? Attend a meeting. What he said wasn't that horrific. Maybe not the place, but certainly not deserving of the response he got.

    He said:
    Anybody interested in helping out or joining this effort? If so, contact David Williams at Studio Apartments 035-421-1343.

    Notice he didn't ask people to reply on the forum. You can call or not call.

    Once attacked, Dave responded. Happens all the time on here.

    Seems like a $200 dollar investment would be worthwhile for people that answered yes, to both of those questions. I'm sure it would save them money. The more that join the less that needs to be paid. What's wrong with asking people to support an effort that helps themselves? It happens all the time. I agree with Steve that maybe gathering people who are interested first would be more successful then asking for money upfront. I think people that know Dave know he not trying to take advantage of anyone. Whether it's really possible or not I don't know. I think it's on each person to do their own due diligence and if a member wants to help with current law fine, but it doesn't have to be in confrontational manner. I don't think Dave wouldn't take this on if he didn't believe it had a chance.

    As a side note, this thread is essentially a continuation of a closed thread and probably should also be closed. Is it just a coincidence it is opened 3.5 hours after the first thread is locked?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2016
  10. OP

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Please note that when i wrote "scammer" i was not referring to the guy who started the citizenship thread. I misread the title of this thread and thought it was referring to people who want to borrow money and get upset when you tell them you can't help them out (the reason i go on about getting paid back in my first response to this thread).

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