New place to eat in Valencia, just across from Bumble bee's on Jose Romero on the left side going to Valencia. You have to look closely as it is a food truck parked inside a lot along with a Ukay Ukay and a car wash.
The owner has many years as a restaurateur in the UK and is an excellent cook, The fish and chips are my favorite. link to the FB page
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danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines
Well, I'm going to do my best to get the ingredients together and then, if the suppliers maintain a steady flow I'll certainly do it weekly, or as demanded. I'm not going to entice you with false promises but I'm going to go for it.-
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Just prior to opening I imported a small fortune's worth of dry goods and decent equipment. Part of this order was non brewed condiment. This is a highly concentrated form of malt vinegar ,water it down about 12 parts to each gallon. They wouldn't allow it on the plane. can't say I didn't try.
I noticed a query somewhere regarding tartare sauce. Correct I didn't have it the first time, you have no idea the pressure we were under at that time. Our 7 year old son, Zak, Had recently died at Silliman hospital due to wrong diagnosis, poor training and general laziness. We had just started litigation using a lawyer in Manila, a local lawyer may well be easily coerced. However, I digress. I realised there wasn't any tartare sauce and sent an assistant out to buy some. They returned with powdered tartar which is used to bolster meringues and the like. So I now make my own, including the mayonnaise. I imagine the flavour isn't the same every time as I can't always get all the ingredients I want . Ask a supermarket assistant for anything other than junk food , I.E. dill pickle, capers, gherkins, etc. and all you get in return is the 1000 yard stare. And no, I'm not going to buy in bulk as there's little enough room on the truck and I'm not turning our home , our last bastion of privacy, into a warehouse.
I've just returned from the fish markets I bought yellow fin tuna. White marlin made a late appearance looking decidedly worse for wear and at 600 pesos a kilo it's not going on my menu.
It will soon be time to start baking and to decide on the dessert for today. So, I'll bid you good morning and have a great day.-
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"This HOUSE is dedicated towards those splendid FELLOWS who make DRINKING a pleasure, who reach CONTENTMENT before CAPACITY and who, whatever the DRINK, can take it, hold it and STILL be GENTLEMEN ".
Pub etiquette was very different back then, most pubs, not all, were pleasant, respectable and respectful . Respectful whereby swearing in front of a man's wife, or indeed any woman, was a mistake. sometimes a dangerous mistake. Unfortunately this is all lost in the mists of time and these days the conversations I hear are loaded with expletives.
We are a humble establishment but not so humble that I don't check for families or folks that are looking uncomfortable in these circumstances. If so I would quietly tell ( not ask ), the aforementioned characters to show respect and possibly find some self respect , or leave.
Just recently an English 'gentleman' has decided to frequent Zak's Place, he's cheap, demanding, and noisily foul mouthed. I'm aching to find a solid reason to rid the place of him. I hope he reads this as he will know.
My mindset hasn't changed from 50 years ago.-
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Having eaten there I highly recommend your food...delicious. We will be back for more!-
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with homemade beefburgers and homemade bread baked more than once a day.
Just before Christmas the fish almost doubled in price, it stayed the same at Zak's Place.
There is no fish today as there's none in the market.
How do I know ?
I own it !-
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Just wanted to let you know if anyone is interested Zac's Place bakes great bread rolls and other bakery items. Last week he baked Chelsea English friuted bun scroll. They were full of fruit and absolutely delishious....couldn't stop eating them lol.
I think you would need to ask Russell when they are next on the menu. I plan to order 6 on his next bake!-
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Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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I will say that we're in the process of doing something about it. All being well we are moving to the back corner, on the same side. Hopefully get a bar fitted to the back of the vehicle. We'll have decent furniture and protection from any overspray from the car wash and cover from the sun and rain.. It's all down to finances but traffic noise and barking dogs are the bane of my life.-
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