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Dauin Marine Sanctuaries | Dumaguete Info

Marine Sanctuaries in Dauin, Negros Oriental

Dauin Marine Sanctuaries

Dauin, a fourth class municipality in the province of Negros Oriental, Philippines is about 10-20 minutes travel from Dumaguete City. For those taking the public transport, the jeepney terminal to Dauin is near Robinson’s Place Dumaguete. The jeepneys usually park near the gas station. Fare is Php13.00. Inform the driver you are getting off at the corner leading to the Marine Sanctuary. It’s a couple of blocks away or a good 4-5 minutes brisk walk.

Lunch in Dauin

My dad and my boyfriend preparing lunch

Dauin has a lot of popular resorts and a few restaurants. The coast of Dauin offers scuba dive sites with both coral reef and muck dive opportunities. The municipality has established several sanctuaries where fishing and boating is absolutely prohibited. This includes sites such as Mainit sanctuary, Luca sanctuary, Dauin sanctuary and Masaplod sanctuary. These sites are well preserved and offer a huge variety and quantity of aquatic life forms.

Beach in Dauin

Ready for snorkeling

At the marine sanctuary, you will find the Romana Alar Resort ages for rent but to get inside the vicinity, you need to pay P10.00. Everyone can have picnics anytime of the week. This is now the favorite picnic venue of most locals thus, during weekends and holidays, this place can be a busy place. The place offers snorkeling activities and it is very easy to rent snorkels set so one may do snorkeling in the sanctuary area. This could be a photographer’s haven for underwater photography. For some, they just relax and unwind in the beach area although one may opt to go swimming as well as play sports along the coastline. These areas are frequented by foreign tourists as well as locals. The locals from Dauin have preserved these marine sanctuaries very well. The sight underneath the Marine Sanctuary is breath taking and it is never a disappointment to explore these areas.

The Marine Sanctuary starts a few meters from the shore and remains fairly shallow for about 20-50 meters before it slopes down into the deep. It is best to start snorkeling in the mid-morning until lunch, as the water gets shallower towards the afternoon. You can expecting to see parrot fish, clown fish, anemone fish, neon damsels, hump-head banner fish, some baby black tip sharks, boulder coral, giant lobe and whorl bowl corals at the center. It’s amazing how you can see fishes without diving far. Even if you are not a professional diver you can rent snorkeling gear to see all this aquatic life. You are allowed to bring food for the fishes like bread so that they would gather in your area and have a view of the underwater sea creatures up close.

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