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Where to find a nice girl/lady to marry with

Discussion in 'Tourist Information' started by Johan_E_M, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. ThatNewGuy

    ThatNewGuy DI Member

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    Many smart girls that can play stupid :inlove:
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  2. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    It would certainly seem to be an obvious defect if the answers depended upon the test taker being fluent in a language. So, we have assumed up to now that this is not the case, I.e. that an illiterate person could do as well as a college professor of the same IQ. However, you may well be right, you being the first to bring this problem to light, thereby invalidating the test results of all IQ tests by test takers who do not speak English or mandarin.

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  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    And what exactly does an IQ test measure? Is it the ability to do well at an IQ test? Intelligence is so multi-faceted that, going by tests I saw a long time ago and perhaps they are more refined now, is it the ability to rotate shapes (spatial intelligence), the use of words (verbal intelligence), the ability to perform mental arithmetic, the ability to find patterns? And how much value to do we give to each component of intelligence - is someone very good at spatial skills and poor at verbal skills equal to someone with the reverse abilities? Guilford's Structure of Intellect is a model now out of favour, but it does demonstrate how complex it is to identify the components and give some value to each of them.

    Sure, IQ tests give an indication but often you can get that by just talking to someone - even just by looking at them! My own view is that there are so many facets of intelligence that it is an error to label someone 'intelligent' and someone 'dumb' - we should look at what each individual has skills within and often be surprised that an intelligent person can be so dumb at times and a dumb person so bright at times.

    And as @Glendazumba said: EQ (emotional quotient) can be more relevant in a relationship.
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  4. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    It measures your ability to pass an IQ test. Certain people believe that this ability to score high is indicative of the efficiency in which the brain can handle such tasks as logical reasoning, spatial pattern skills, memory (I suppose), conceptualizing, rote learning ability, abstract thinking, none of which makes you smart or dumb by itself and none related to emotional quotient. It measures the efficiency of neurons firing properly and nothing more. If one must administer an IQ test to a prospective spouse, that might indicate a problem lol.

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  5. wolvhund

    wolvhund DI Member

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    IQ tests measure IQ, a good one anyway, a lot of them test knowledge. Whether they measure "intelligence" or not is less important, because high IQ correlates to positive socio-economic indicators. It is useful for measuring and comparing groups of people, much less so for individuals.
  6. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    My Grandmother used to say that there are two types of people. Those that are intelligent, and those that have smarts. She said always go with the smart ones. I have found her advice to be of great value.
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  7. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Not really true. The MENSA club of very high IQ individuals consists of people of ALL socio-economic stati. Janitors and PhD’s are members of this club. The inconvenient truth is that IQ does correlate to race (studies by Shockley and others) and race can correlate to socio-economic status. For large population groups, the Jewish Semite race scores highest followed by Chinese/Indochinese, then Caucasian and so on. This relates directly to US universities actions to assign higher weight to English language comprehension on their entrance exams to filter out Chinese and other Asians from overwhelmingly surpassing other races in the University populations. However, on an individual basis it does matter very much. It is not possible for an individual to attend MIT University and obtain a Masters degree in Engineering; it would never happen no matter how motivated the individual. Also, most individuals who obtain a PhD from any accredited university that were there of their own accord (not there due to US political connections for example) tend to have IQ’s in the 140 range. It is definitely an indicator for individuals and, certain races seem genetically favored, like it or not.

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  8. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    LOL squared. "You have 30 minutes. Answer every question if you can. And please remember to put your full name at the top of the answer paper".

    Deal done.
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  9. wolvhund

    wolvhund DI Member

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    I think that you and the Bell Curve are making my argument for me. MENSA has janitors and PhD's in it, as individuals their IQ is not very predictive of their education or profession, but if we take a group of high IQ people, we will almost certainly find that they are heavily weighted towards certain professions and higher education. On the issue of race/ethnicity, knowing an individual is a Jew tells me nothing about their individual IQ, yet it can tell me about the Jewish people as a group. Yes, IQ can be somewhat predictive of someones academic performance, but an academic performance test by itself is a much better predictor, someone with a high IQ but no education will be unlikely to get a Masters at MIT, but someone with a lower IQ but better education, work ethic, motivation will quite likely be able to. As a group though, we know that those who have a Master's degree from MIT have high IQ's, which is what your next to last sentence is saying. So it is very different thing to say that those who have a Masters from MIT have a high IQ and that those who have a high IQ can get a Masters from MIT. The first has a high degree of correlation and predictability, the second has too many variables to be predictive.

    To bring it back to the the original topic, if you have found this sidetrack interesting or worth discussing, you probably also are in need of finding a woman who can tolerate you and so might find the Philippines a good place to look.
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  10. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Wow, has this thread changed. It went from actually finding a nice girl, to how intelligence is measured.
    Maybe time for a new thread? What say you Mod's?
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    • I was wondering about that too! I was wondering about that too! x 1