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Users who have attained this trophy: Malfeis, barkada, Ronondo Rico, kiwidude, SteveB, pkrbrad, Paul, grandpainak, z3orym3r, archon_manofsteel
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Users who have attained this trophy: Pompolino, Michael. B, themadbuddha, Outcast, A_K Suited, btween2worlds, DaveD, ShawnM, AsColdAsIce, mikial
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Users who have attained this trophy: GOGROUPER, lqsi12, Miguel, qtxomadrid, slidegear, Peter, TANJAY CITY ROCKS ON TUBE, A_K Suited, Gregktm, Hans Boot
You've been a member for one year!
Users who have attained this trophy: kiwidude, Eaglescout, Sitkan, Oudevos, Ricardo, tonyN, Don, Stilo, rmlupu, RHB
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Users who have attained this trophy: progmeister, Pedro, contrail, San Miguel, Survivor Adik, xhippie, fundiver198, Jack Peterson, jimf, mattchu5150