Have you seen this one? :D [IMG]
Thanks for the tip PatO- I'll have to find Keckel and Jeckel and stop in for a brew:cool:
No problemo Knowdafish- There's no shortage of Koreans on Burgos, and dozens of Korean food joints in the surrounding blocks. I looked at a...
Hi John- I was telling you about the L&B suites... It's across Kalayaan St. from the Clipper hotel. Just 2 blocks East from the...
I'm an expat, living in Manila for 5 years. While Burgos street is known for high roller playboys, there are a few decent places around there...
Has anyone drove it? Me and the wife are planning to take a long drive for the next couple of weeks from Manila all the way to GenSan....
RIP John- Here's a pic that made me smile, even though I'm really sad to hear this news. John had a great sense of humor, and was really fun...
Thanks for the reply PatO- We really had fun on the Boracay trip. It wasn't that crowded, (lots of Koreans though:)) the weather was nice, and...
We took a island hopping boat trip, and visited Crystal Island- They have a couple of small caves, for a cool dip out of the sun. Our guide...
Well, I can appreciate your big game hunting background Larry. I used to go small game, and deer hunting a lot when I was a young boy also. But as...
I put 13 years into the building trades union before I got hurt and had to retire. But my union compared to the UAW, is a difference like night...
My dad was one hell of a marksman. Since he grew up poor in the '40s, he became a d*mn good hunter. (may have also helped him survive an infantry...