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The great crash of 08 has begun.....

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by Divemaster Don, Jan 21, 2008.

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  1. logicwings

    logicwings DI Member

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    "My sources on the Bvld have confirmed that the ship is aiding in the oil exploration project int the Tanon strait. Why you might ask is the U.S. Navy interested in helping the Pilippines explore for oil?
    good question, and if you residing filipinos care about what happens to your environment, I would start asking some serious quesions. Reports have it that they are currently dragging the first oil rig for test drilling now into place." RHB.

    "However, Conspiricy theorists are never staisfied, there is always another conspiricy over the horizon. If you deal with even the facts it is bad enough." RHB.
  2. OP
    Divemaster Don

    Divemaster Don DI Junior Member

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    These days, if you're not a conspiracy theorist, than you're obviously not paying attention.
  3. RHB

    RHB DI Senior Member

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    Thanks to that thread we discovered with your help, (thankyou) The Reuben James was covering the fact that got its rear end chased out of Hong Kong. That is Fact. :-)

    Stock markets up now, good night
  4. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    It’s increasingly disappointing to watch people simply “buy in” to what the major media is putting out there. If you believe everything they’re saying you’re just being a “sponge-head” with no sense of discriminating facts from BS.
    The Internet has simultaneously made things better and worse. Many people now have nearly unlimited information at their fingertips but along with that comes an equal, if not larger portion, of misinformation.
    Humans, by nature, love a good story and negative stories are always more interesting than positive ones. Perhaps it’s because they appeal to our more primitive instincts thereby being more exhilarating. The list of rumors flying around the Internet that have little or no basis in fact is proof of this.
    It’s important to constantly ask yourself, “What are they gaining by telling me this?”. If it’s coming from a news agency there’s a good chance the information has been “hyped up” in order to get you to pay attention and buy something from an advertiser. The more sensational the story, the more people listen and the more advertising space gets sold.
    It’s as simple as that.
    Additionally, as a result of competition to "get the news out fast" many reporters simply repeat another news story without verifying it's validity. By the time it's been discovered to be inaccurate the story has been retold enough times to be accepted by the public as fact. Even if the reporting agency publishes a retraction the damage has been done.
    Conspiracies can be very appealing. Mostly because it’s easier for some to believe there is some power out there making things happen rather than accepting the reality that most events are unpredictable and the result of chaos, chance or unforeseen results of otherwise good intentions.
    These types of stories drown out the people trying to get the facts into people’s hands.
    People like Brooks Jackson, Joseph Stiglitz, David Landes, or Peter Navarro.
    However, getting to the facts take effort and meditation. Many people don’t want to take the time it requires to dig in and find out what’s really going on.
    It’s all up to you.
  5. tubigboy

    tubigboy DI Forum Adept

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    Chased out of HK? That is not a fact. They were not allowed into HK. Now, that is a fact. Also, this visit was planned like 8 months prior and was approved. I read that a good deal of people went to HK to meet with the people on the ship and all kinds of plans were made with this ship's visit to HK. In the last minute and right before they are supposed to arrive, they are asked to not enter! Nice.

    I think that we have deviated from the original subject. What about the oil prices? The first bush president drives up the price of oil (remember what Clinton said, 'its the economy stupid'. The price of oil was around $40 a barrel as I recall and at the time, it was a record high price. I may be wrong on that exact number, but the economy was not doing well. During Clinton's Presidency the price of a barrel of oil was under $10. Then, during bush jr's nightmare as a president, the price of oil is up around $100.00 a barrel and the economy is teetering on going into a recession. bush family and oil? Who said history does have a habit of repeating itself.

    Also, if there is instability in the middle east, the price of oil goes up. What was he saying lately about Iran? This was after the CIA report! Why did we go into Iraq? Why do we have troops in Saudi still? He was holding hands with a Saudi King? Huh?
  6. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    True enough, but somehow I doubt YOU know exactly what is fact and what is not.
  7. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    Compassionate conservatism, right?
  8. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    Yeah, it's just a matter of which conspiracies are real, and we probably don't have any knowledge of the biggest ones. If you think they did a good job keeping the JFK thing unknown... :confused:
  9. wretched_hyena

    wretched_hyena DI Member

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    So much of what is happening in the economy has to do with oil prices and the state of disarray in the Middle East.

    1- Oil man president
    2- Highest gas prices ever
    3- Highest oil company profits ever

    (in that order)
  10. RHB

    RHB DI Senior Member

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    semantics, chased out, not allowed into the harbor in after sailing around the world, same difference, I was speaking poetically, Shall we agree China slapped the U.S. in the face causing embarrassment and loss of Face.

    I think the thread topic was the stock market "crash". But I agree with the rest of what you said anyway:D
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