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What do you miss most about the US/Europe/Australia?

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by word_nerd, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Where the heart is!

    Re Post!

    :wink: I still believe in this statement I made some time ago.:smile:

    Jack P.:smile:

    Bye the way, I have been over this thread many times and I really can not see where the US has any more criticism than an others, In my last post it did say I am NOT knocking the US. Questions were asked that's all. Maybe not the way some would have liked but HEY! we all speak the same Language differently. No offence was ever meant.:smile:
  2. mahalbugas

    mahalbugas DI Junior Member

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    what i heard that is has something to do with Old Fool's is that what it really meant? lol.
  3. Thelemaway

    Thelemaway DI New Member

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    Well, I might as well become hated before I even arrive. I am just guessing here.

    1. What do you miss most about the US/Europe/Australia?
    Real Ale in and English pub.
    Football on the telly at a reasonable hour.

    2. What do you enjoy the most about being an expat in Dumaguete?
    Sufficient anarchy to keep things fluid and interesting.
    Sufficient organization to actually get things done.
    This balance is perhaps the most important in society. You can't get anything done in Holland or Niger, for example. Too much of one and not enough of the other.

    Moving my drink/smoke balance a bit to the smoke side.

    3. What's the most annoying aspect about living here?
    Revolting old foreign men with hegemony over young attractive local women.

    4. Would you do it all over again, given the chance?
    I haven't arrived yet, but probably not. I tend to stay in one place for less than a year and move on. I rarely come back

    5. What brought you here in the first place?
    Advice of a friend who reckons I will fit right in.

    6. Is there such a thing as a "Dumaguete moment?" As in, only in Duma could this happen
    There will be one in my first week. No doubt about it.
  4. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Welcome to the Philippenes!

    :eek: Welcome to the City of the gentle people, Things don't change much her in Dumaguete, Your Points are as I am sure you will read, pretty Normal for a " Foreigner " Thelemway! you will soon learn to go with the Flow. Desperation will set in when you start the Visa thing, Other Areas will make you think WTH am I doing here. My Signature say's it all for me.:wink:

    Enjoy and let life takes it's course.

    Jack P.:smile:
  5. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Thelemaway, your message frames you as both a loser and a person who won't fit well into the land of gentle people. Most, but not all, of the expats here in the Philippines have young wives, if that revolts you, find yourself an older filipina. Your beach bum life style you are looking for might fit better at Venice Beach or Bondi or Manila.
  6. Thelemaway

    Thelemaway DI New Member

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    I can understand the second part, it seems like a reasonable comment based on the evidence available, but I am somewhat askance at being called a 'loser'. What exactly is a 'loser'? Is everyone a 'winner' round these parts? On what do base your opinions?

    In English we call this a non sequitur.

    Goodness... is this kind of thing allowed here? I don't know the rules. I'm new here and a member of the Rotary Club, not a 'bum'.

    I feel that if you want to insult me, you should start your own thread rather than cluttering up this nice gentleman's survey.
  7. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Thelemaway, you initial thread stated you may as well become hated before you even arrive. Not necessary but perhaps you should do your homework regarding expats in the Philippines or be prepared for a different life style here. I will buy you a beer when you arrive but you may need a barf bag if you accept because I have the youngest expat wife in the PI. LOL.
  8. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    AND! That's The truth!

    :confused: Thelemaway, I have to Admit that your post did start a little on the Negative side, As we have heard so many times from all walks of life, " Don't Knock it til you have Tried it " Can I ask? if you have nor arrived here yet, are you only basing you observations on Hearsay? Here as well as the UK or even China or the US Hearsay can be a little misleading, I am not going to take sides here but I would just say Give it a couple of weeks please before you Knock our fair city. Hey! you might even like it! Every one is welcome here on DI as they are in Dgte, we are however a little protective of the idyllic Life style. Of course what ever comes with that is a Bonus.:wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
  9. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    Your other thread said you will be a homeless hermit? What?
  10. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

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    An old timer once told me....
    "a mans wife is either his prostitute or his partner in crime"...

    I've found that statement to be consistently valid.