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Blvd Restaurants Not Overpriced

Discussion in '☋ Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment ☋' started by PatO, Aug 14, 2011.

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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    At least once a week there is a post complaining restaurants on the blvd are overpriced. I ask, compared to where?

    For example, on my pension we can only dine out occasionally, so when we do I go for what I believe is the best steak in Negros, the Mulwarra at Casablanca. The cost is 695, served with mash potatoes and veggies in a crust, a tender juicy steak so large that I take out for steak and eggs for breakfast. Even with today's lousy exchange rate, that equates to $16.50! In California it would cost at least double for equal quality, to be sure. (I hope G doesn't see this and raise the price).

    So when complaining about overpriced, add a few facts and examples to make the posts relevant.
  2. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Who cares if others do complaint as long as you feel fine, happy to have a tasty meal for an acceptable price. For instance Casblanca is not my place to be for a diner. So many heads, so many opinions. My preference has Why Not if not only for the food than sure for the more than friendly staff, one of the main reasons I will not spend a single peso in Casablanca due to the lack of attitude and lack of friendliness there. My last visit there in August 2010 has not be continued so far for these reasons.
  3. E-man

    E-man DI Junior Member

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    A dish for 695 is way to expensive and maybe overpriced. Cut the steak in half and served it as 2 dishes. Dinner for 2 at P695 is ok, but still high.

    Just some comparison.... purchased a pair of shoes P675.

    Workers on the Boulevard earn for 5 days of hard concrete work P750

    Petronas gas for 3 months P750, waterbill for 2 months P750

    Excellent USDA Beef Tenderloin imported from USA, P690/kilo at Hypermart

    Is Mulberry at CB expensive, YES it is, EXTREMELY expensive, and the value of the P695 is gone the day after......down the drain as usual.

    Mony, mony mony must be funny, in a rich mans world!
  4. SurfinUSA

    SurfinUSA DI Senior Member

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    If the general complaints are as frequent as once a week, then I'd say there must be some truth to it.

    Maybe if everything was topnotch at a given restaurant, the prices wouldn't be seen as high?

    We tried Eidelweiss again recently and the service was stillpoor. We ordered something, then the waitress came back asking if a couple things that were supposed to come with the meal weren't there cuz not available? Duh. Why would 5/8 of a meal be okay? Then she wanted to charge extra for exchanging baked for mashed potato-which Alex swears is ok, but for some reason his staff never seems to know.

    My last trip to CB, the waitress just leaned on the counter staring out the door with a dour look after serving my meal. No one ever asked to refill my water glass- both have have pretty much happened each time I go there. Which is seldom anymore, and when I go by, there is usually no one eating, at least not outside

    Why pay for indifference? Vote with your wallets people!

    Heads up restaurant owners...many of us can cook the same thing at home. We are looking for service, not excuses.
  5. SurfinUSA

    SurfinUSA DI Senior Member

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    On the other the fastfood places seem to have it together. Quick to fix any complaints. Why can't the better restaurants do the same?
  6. Gass

    Gass DI Forum Adept

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    haha, good one...

    Mulberry hahaha, you verify yourself as an absolute culinary expert,
    With that knowledge they can give you a dirty paperbox make a "USA-sticker" on it and you will say how great and cheap is it..

    BTW, I don't look for special service, I can't cook and am happy to get great dishes for 5-7 Euro.

    Casablanca wins the taste contest for me, the winner in portions goes to Why Not (just some of the creatures hanging around there are very unpleasant but inside it is ok). Cakes no1 goes to SansRival, Breakfast split between Bogarts and Mamias, where Mamias has better Coffee and is nicer to sit. For BBQ chicken Blue Monkey sets the standard.

    Most restaurants use ingredients which are not even available in Dumageuete. And if someone can make dough for homemade pasta with fresh herbs it is certainly great for him. If someone can make a great blue cheese sauce with it and keeps the price below 200 peso, my respect. I highly doubt that. Another of my favorite the huge portion yummy tomato soup at why not, 100 peso, or Backrips at Mooon 195 Peso.

    Sure if you don't count the hours finding the ingredients, the wasted time, gasoline etc. you probably have not much to do in your life anyway.

    If spending 200 peso for a great dish (and sometimes also 700) puts me in the rich men’s world, I am happy to bre there :smile: and feel totally pity for the creatures who crawling around and can't afford it.

    Just do me a favor, stay at home and eat your Mulberry Steak , my Granny used them for cakes and Shakes
  7. Gass

    Gass DI Forum Adept

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    give me a break... that is absolutely not true ...you ever tried to change the menu, like in your examples you always give? Did you ever asked them too leave the tomatoes off your burger but but an extra slice of cheese on it ??
  8. sfgb35

    sfgb35 DI Member

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    Just for the 'Cheapo Charlies'
    Do you know Antong Kamalig does happy hour everyday, 2pm until 6pm. San Mig Light 30php, and food that's cheaper also. . . . Will post pic later opf the menu and prices, when i can be arsed !
    If you want great steaks I hear they do some great ones in Texas, why come here in the first place if all you do is whinge. This Forum has descended in to abuse and hostility I am out of here !!. . .
    Incidentally, 695php is more than one third of my weekly shopping bill, and that sometimes includes a 'T'bone, which is plenty good enough for me. . . . .
  9. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I followed the thread on my cell sitting with my family and a good friend at a place with a really lousy service and really needed also to laugh about certain statements, while the mulberry steak is the best one.

    sfgb, if I remember correct you were just recently whining about overpriced foreigner restaurant and now try to bring something up which has nothing to do with the topic.

    Nobody says you have to go to this kind of restaurants if you can not afford or don't want to afford it. Just because some can't afford stuff still does not mean things are overpriced.

    What puts the board down are people talking rubbish, some perfect example here in that thread. complaining (again) about something she/he gets for free, another one talking clueless about a fruit-steak at CB...why should somebody goes to Texas for a steak when he gets it here cheaper AND at the boulevard.

    Of course there are cheap places to eat in Dumaguete, and it is wonderful to have this variety.

    That still does not make other places overpriced which are using quality and/or imported ingredients, stored in proper food refs, serving quality, prepared in a clean kitchen, offering a bit more than a wooden bench or plastic chairs and a clean CR and not a stinky p*ss-hole and ALL that still CHEAPER than back in the country i come from.

    peace and kumbaya

  10. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I have to agree with Pat. I live in N. Texas and the steak meal he described would cost at a minimum $20 not counting drink. I shudder to think what such a meal would cost in California, my birth state.
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