So the festival of the festivals, the Buglasan 2012 has started with the Civic & Military Parade Well, I skipped the military part and focused on the colorful costumes and marching bands. Rechel run the other direction around the route and we are happy to share the first 3 pictures with all of you. Hope you enjoy, Lets start with the smallest...
I almost missed the contestants for the Miss Negros Tourism - 2012... well, ghostly white on a white wagon, ... I thought the at it was an empty wagon until I saw the lady on the left, so I was only able to make a snapshot... Just not my piece of cake, I am scared of ghosts with rust hair, but I am sure I am alone with that opinion... the next pictures are from the parade, So you can judge yourself
I just had a email from someone, that this is not the real parade... while I am not aware what is a false parade, I want to repeat (like the thread-title says): This pictures are from the civic-parade ! Pictures from the Streetdance Parade here
amazing that you did manage to get a few shots of guys in there :-) but then, anyway, why not show the best...?