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My Office Gecko

Discussion in '☋ Photo Board ☋' started by Rhoody, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    I could hear him since quite a while, but slowly he/ she gets used to me and isn't shy anymore to watch some movies with me on my desktop, when the kids are in bed.

    While many locals are (for whatever reason) scared of that wonderful creature, I love having them around, they are just too beautiful.

    My office gecko turns out to be a real pictures slut and is smiling each time a camera is around.... I just wait until he/she starts with that stupid V-sign.

    However, I hope some of you can also enjoy that lovely creature :smile:

    My Office Gecko in full length

    Beautiful colors

    I better activate "someone" to clean the mosquito-net

    The eye of the "Monster"


    just looks somehow unreal...

    always with a happy, friendly smile

    Locally called "Tuko", it is a Tokay Gecko (sc. Gekko gecko) and can grow up to 50 centimeters. I would say my office gecko is around 45 centimeters.

    Specially local ladies are quite scared of them and I let them in the believe, emphasizing their believe with telling them: if they get bitten the skin turns dark brown, then they loose the voice and die a horrible painful death, meeting their maker as a Negrita, not even good enough to sing in the heavenly choir anymore.

    However, the Gecko does not really have big teeth nor is their saliva poisonous. They have very strong jaws and can crack beetle and insect shells. They are very territorial and if one really gets bitten, the Gecko usually does not let go. That is in most cases not really painful but a forced removal might cause harm to the reptile.

    'nuff learned for today :wink:


  2. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Nice pics mate, we also have three who live behind the tv. They clean up what bugs get in here during the day,any large beetles that drop by I throw in the corner and within a few secs they are there munching on them!
  3. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    Great Pic's!! I had a big one that lived behind a painting on the wall, at night we would have fun with a laser pointer, He or she would chase it all over the wall for around 10 minutes per night.
  4. SteveB

    SteveB DI Forum Adept

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    Here is a Gecko I ran into while looking at the flood damage on the Palinpinon / PNOC Road last February. I watched the snake chase the gecko acrooss the road and took a few pictures of the fight that followed. Surprisingly, the gecko got away!

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  5. Lee from Canada

    Lee from Canada DI Member

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    Hey Rho Nice toko he is hungry you need to feed him . Toko save fat in there tails and should have a fat tail .I had one in my place very big and shy but a very skinny tail after researching them I found a great site (lost the link) I started to feed him chiceron and he got a nice thick tail and was much more active . A great pet easy to care for and entertaining .
  6. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Great pics Rhoody! Yes, they do get used to being around people. Yes, he should be much fatter, and yes, when they bite, they do not let go! :eek:


    Tokays eat the smaller house Geckos if they can catch them. You haven't been giving him any beer when he's watching your "videos" have you? :D

    We have two small house Geckos that eat the scraps off the floor and table. One is particularly fond of oatmeal and comes running to get it almost every morning. He also likes rice, bread crumbs, and Piayas! :D

    Geckos are good to have around as long as you don't mind cleaning up after them. They eat a lot of bugs. They are the number one reason I don't like using pesticides. Kill the Geckos and you will be over run by bugs!

    They come in a wide range of color morphs. Their gene pool is quite extensive as far as coloration goes. Too bad the Chinese like to grind up dried ones and use them for their weird tonics.

  7. alesypalsy

    alesypalsy DI Member

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    Yeh they look like they make good pets and keep the mosquito's away or munch on them!
    We have them in our place there, our brother was scared at night listening to them at night time , he is 20 years old but wifes dad told him to put a bowl of rice down at night,
    now they are quite!

    heres a pic of one that was in the house

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  8. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    Why is the poor creature being crushed in a pair of tongs ???
  9. alesypalsy

    alesypalsy DI Member

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    Yes I was hoping when the old owners care taker caught the gecko that he was not intending to eat him, i had him released immedeatly after the picture was taken.
    I think the holder was scared of it biting him!
    I like geckos! the picture was of the old owner's caretaker