I have lived here for the past 2+ years (25km's out of Dumaguete) and have never had a problem, mind you I do not hang out at the Bars/ Pool Halls or am not visible everyday attracting the attention of those who may have bad intentions. Honestly; I would rather live here than back in Australia where people of dubious ethnic/ indigenous/religious groups are ever increasing and daily events such as home invasions, serious assaults, rapes, car jacking, robberies and gang culture-mentality etc are thriving with ever increasing intensity!
I am not afraid to smile and say hello to a Filipino walking past unlike back in Oz where you need to be aware of the repercussions of something as simple as looking at someone else. I even have British friends who moved to Oz to get away from what was happening back home, but now tell me that Australia is turning into what they tried to escape and I agree with them.
You could do a lot worse than moving to Dumaguete, I find the people and the country a wonderful place to live, show respect, some common sense and just don't try to be the 'Tall Poppy'!
Like the old Japanese Saying;
'The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down'
Best Posts in Thread: Kidnapping
Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster
How many old men suddenly die with their deaths being considered natural by a government that gives absolutely 0 shits about expats (and expat murders are really bad for tourism) but in reality could have been caused by foul play? I suspect the vast majority of old guys dying is just that, old men dying from old age.....but I suspect a very, and I mean very, small percentage of them could involve foul play. (Note: My story above did involve an elderly man. If he died, his money disappeared and his much younger wife went missing what exactly do you think the first thought most people would have? What do you think the police would think? How long do you think they would investigate? What tools do they even have to do a proper investigation if they were even motivated to do so?)
There have also been confirmed reports of criminal/Muztard extremists operating in Southern Cebu. Many of the local mayors claimed it was all bullshit at first but later had to eat crow once the warnings (from several different Western embassies) were verified to be real and present.
There have also been legitimate bomb threats in Dumaguete (with locals caught/arrested in hotels with bomb material). We, as expats, are both political and economical targets....and some nut-job is always looking to hit the bulls-eye and show he/they are serious about their demands to the national government.
Be very careful with dismissing embassy warnings as false just because you personally believe the threat couldn't happen or be true. It could come back to bite you in the @ss. Ask the German that recently thought he would be perfectly safe sailing down to the Sulu sea to get a haircut and then got a little too much taken off the top. His case is an extreme one, but these threats aren't Tinkerbell, their existence has absolutely nothing to do with you believing in them.-
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DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
We had this conversation in the brit embassy last week and so they say it is a credible threat.
Seems like its not just the asg but others aswell have joined the bandwagon for money.
So the asg just pay locals to kidnap for themand they get paid well.-
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DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
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