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Annabelles on the Boulevard

Discussion in '☋ Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment ☋' started by The Dane, Nov 7, 2006.

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  1. chi town

    chi town DI Member Showcase Reviewer Air Force Active Duty

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    Where can you find a city of 100.000 or larger in the USA without exaust fumes ?[/QUOTE]

    Any country with it's share of automobiles will have exhaust fumes in a town of 100,000 or larger not only the US. A town of 100,000 or larger in the UK, China or Brazil doesn't have exhaust fumes? The US however does have pollution standards and police officers are empowered to stop offending vehicles and issue tickets so the problem is remedied. You don't have motorcycles, jeepneys and cars billowing clouds of black exhaust like in Cebu City and to a smaller degree, downtown Dumaguete.

    Chi Town
  2. cebudiver

    cebudiver DI Member

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    the semi trucks in the USA alone are worse than what I see in Duma - emmission controls or not... and diesel engines have yearly required exaust emmission tests in Cebu - I have to drive my van and L300 truck for 2 hours up to Carcar every august for the test so I can renew my tags . Dumaguete is mainly pedicabs and a few trucks - even busses arent allowed in the town center - a couple illegally billowing smoke, but I see the same thing (and worse) in Florida and elsewhere in the USA
    many other places in the world are much worse (Greece, China), but I was comparing the USA (where viper lives) to Dumaguete( the object of his complaint)
  3. chi town

    chi town DI Member Showcase Reviewer Air Force Active Duty

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    Not totally in agreement on the emmissions issue however since you are commenting on Viper's Rizal Ave and bad Duamaguete restaurants just let me get out of your way and not cloud the issue.

    Regardless, I will be moving to Duma next month. Heck, I like the Boulevard and Dumaguete's restaruants. And the beaches, and the sunshine and the resorts and the great Filipino food and friendly people. I will be in Banilad and the pollution, both noise and exhaust will be minimal.

    Chi Town
  4. ViperACR

    ViperACR DI Member

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    I just got back to this thread..

    Thanks for the crass assumption Newt, but she doesn't like Dgte anymore either.

    I haven't let her keep her provincial ways entirely, nor is she just sitting around pining for PI texting cousins etc everyday like some guys let their wives do. She's a modern gal in many ways now, and appreciates the tons of life options around our little burg as much as I do.

    Back before we first came back to the US together, I told her we'd do more in 1 year on a moderate budget than any rich person confined to Negros could do in a lifetime-and we have. And there's so much more left to do.

    It's not for me or her. Though we may winter at a rented PI villa somewhere away from it all.

    But, a moment of silence for that poor foreigner down Zamboanguita way who has a huge compound with multiple dwellings-all in his wife's name I'm told. Silence, because she's pregnant, but not with his child is the information that was relayed to me just before I left by another foreigner who used to rent on the premises.

    Must be why when I saw him in a Dgte fast food establishment near the end of May he looked like he'd fallen of the wagon in more ways than one.

  5. jss

    jss DI Member

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    This really, really sucks. I just hate hearing story like this. Makes me wanna puke. I believe that there are few (not many, but a few) unshakable criteria for marriage partner. And one of them is their intelligence. Its obvious that girl's lover was going after her (and her expat husband's) money. That's why she got pregnant; because he was TRYING to get her pregnant. Obviously a moron tanga girl. But the real killer is that morons dont know if they are moron or not until its way way too late.
    (on the other hand, she might be a genius, and planned it with her lover). Either way, it sucks, and makes me wanna puke!!

    p.s. I agree with the food thing. Yes, i DO like a few (just a few, like chicken inato and lechon kawali) filipino dishes and i eat them quite often. However, filipino cuisine does not compare at all with those of other large SE asian countries like vietnam, thailand. One glaring evidence to my point is that whenever i am in vietnam or thailand or malaysia, all the street foods (the foods on carts on sidewalks) look SOOOO tempting and when I eat it, its so masarap! But here, i dont dare eat them. Variety is totally lacking and sorry to say, but its not very healthy eating, with it being mostly super fried in oil that is obviously been reused many many times...
    The truth is, food is definitely NOT anywhere on MY list of reasons why i chose to live in philippines.
    Jollybees was the final nail in the coffin for whatever was left of the philippine cuisine culture...
    (am i being too harsh??? :D )
  6. jss

    jss DI Member

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    And i miss so so so soooo much the steaks i used to buy and cook at home in the states. sooooo delicious. Here, the steaks (caribou...:( ) have that peculiar taste/small that i just cant take. So the only time i eat beef is at mcDonalds burgers (all the sauce covers the beef taste!).
    But chicken and pork are very good, so i usually just cook thai curry or other dishes at home. I notice that supermarkets are beginning to carry all the sauces of thailand and other asian countries. All pre-mixed. So i find it really easy to make really nice dishes. And add to it fresh coconut milk they grind at supermarket for 40pesos, and REALLY fresh chicken/pork, my chicken thai green curry tastes really, really good! yum..
    Suggestion: next time you are in supermarket, buy a chunk of pork belly, and have them cut it into little pieces. Then, at home, STEAM it BRIEFLY. Then fry it (again briefly, just to get the skin crispy, as the meat is already cooked from steaming) in pre-heated HOT pan in olive oil. Best d*mn lechon kawali you would ever set your tongue on. Melts in your mouth!! (gud 4 denture wearers also :smile:) I learned this from oysterboy, an iloilo resto chain.
  7. Swany

    Swany DI Senior Member

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    I hate so much steaks ... red meat is not good for you. I let my husband eat steak (trimmed) just once a month and that's it the rest chicken without skin and fish which are definitely good for your health. Lots of fruits and vegies are a must. That's a healthy and happy life! They have beef in Dumaguete not caribou. Although it's not as good as the beef in USA, but at least they use beef for steaks. They don't have caribou in the Philippines by the way. They are deers with antlers they can be found in arctic regions. I'm guessing you know that. :D
  8. pickled_newt

    pickled_newt DI Forum Patron

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    Whispers in the forum ,whos who dear o' dear .I am sorry for the husband .This is not the first and the last I've heard of similar life stories happening around surrounding places of dumaguete,lols ( i love gossips,:wink: ). Wives gallivanting ,having fun and doing secret hanky pankies somewhere behind the back of unsuspecting husbands ? The worst is getting pregnant, where's the lil brain of this woman .How awful and devastating . He should chuck her out if proven true.Has he done it?

    But hold on,there's his property and money at stake all in her name, unfortunately .Better before he blows his raging temper and chuck her out,he has to think twice or more times of the property , all in her name sadly it's the philippine law. Perhaps better to hide the temper,make pretend for a period if its doable ,let her sign the lease contract of the property to him ,or sell the property asap and get the money back ,then leave her. Easy said than done .But it his hard earned money,should not go easy way in favour to his sl** wife .If i am the man,that woman will never get any single centavo .

    What a mess,life ruined .Perhaps this wife is pretty and young.But man ,pick up a woman that is more than just skin deep and got bit of brain left.A woman that can hold a tiny aspirin tablet between her knees for longer periods when you're out .lol
  9. caymimi

    caymimi DI Member

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    I heard the same thing about that poor Japanese guy in Bacong. He has that house with the beautiful chandelier that can be seen from outside during the night time. He bought his wife's family jeeps and pedicabs that they asked for, for their livelihood. One day when he came back to Dgte he caught his wife and her lesbian lover in bed together. Turns out that the lover was living there while he was away. Guess he isn't into threesomes cuz he decided to leave her and the property.

    There's also an abandoned property in Valencia, very beautiful house still intact when I was there last. Belonged to a German guy who was sleeping with several Filipinas. He decided to leave for Germany suddenly - never came back. Left everything behind. Last I heard all his mistresses were pretending to be pregnant and get a piece of the property. Wonder who really owned it though...
  10. tfa1957

    tfa1957 DI Forum Adept

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    Okay, Okay, I'll fess up, I own the place. If someone has to own it, it might as well be me....:confused: by the way, how big is the place.....:confused: hmmm, does it have a big yard? :D :D
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