Does anyone know if there is a Bank of America in the Philippines? I goggled and they said one was in Makatia. But bank of America website did not acknowledge a bank there. If there is a bank can you access your US bank account from there? Thanks, BigJim
Yes there is a BoA in Makati. And unfortunately, unless things have changed, you cannot access your US BoA account from there. What they told me is that they only have the name, but are not affiliated with the BoA in the US.
Union Bank and Metro Bank are also not affiliated with the banks of the same names in the U.S. similar to Home Depot in the Philippines, they got all the orange parts right, but that is as far as it goes! :D
Yep ,before my first trip to philippines, I searched for american banks and almost opened a Bank of america account so as to access it in manila but the banks were closed too late so I decided to wait and open one in philippines where i found that I could not find the Bank of america I was looking for..Lucky me not succeed at opening BofA account before getting here to find i was mistaken...
manz, The way Europe is Going, Any bank here is going to outlive the worlds western banks I feel, Only yesterday, Portugal's Banks were bailed out for over 3 billion euros. Time to close my UK Account do you think?? Jack P.:(
Speaking of banks, BDO closed for holiday today and their ATM's down from a brownout, and I needed cash....
Ah! Ah! That explains the need, for an urgent trip to Western Union today! I only got half a story from my beloved one. She just rang and said the card did not work. BROWNOUT! never gave the ATM's a thought I guess. Jack P.