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Brit man Facing 7 years in rat infested filipino jail

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by pickled_newt, Jan 13, 2008.

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  1. anotherdane

    anotherdane DI Junior Member

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    Am happy to hear hes out from Phils in safe..
    a pitty it is like this - in a beautifull place like the phils
    dont they understand they destroy their own reputaion when they treat others like this ?
    just because two peo0ple fall in love
    I hope is GF can join him later so they can be together
    all the best and much hope
    from Denmark
  2. anotherdane

    anotherdane DI Junior Member

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    Thank you for the reply
    Nice hes with hes GF in Thailand.. hopefuly they can get a real life there
    I dont want to know how they got out from Phils but I can guess
    BUt what I dont understand is. Why the Philippine authorities treat foreigners like this ?
    Tourist are scared when they hear such things - Philippine goverment dont care about the tourism busisnes they could do.. they could beat even Thailand with all the beautiful place .. but the countrys rich and goverment dont care a sh*t for their own people.. and dont do anything to develope democracy and well fare -- they are rotten ! - Why they treat allmost unkind or unpolite to foriengenrs for example in Manila airport ?? like nazis...
    Ih ad the idea to make a kind of club or union,to suport or help other foreigners who get into same troubles as this poor british guy and hes GF.
    So they dont stand alone, if somethign bad should come..
    any interested ??
  3. babel-fish

    babel-fish DI Member

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    I have helped ex-pats before only to find out the deserved the trouble they got themselfs in. If a guy does not check the girl out prior to heavy involvement and also does not use birth protection he is pretty silly.

    The best method is to warn the new guys of the pitfalls, I have wrote many articles on newsvine and nowpublic on the problems one can get one self into in the Philippines. I also warn everybody I meet about the problems one can have with Filipina's

    I feel sorry for people like David, but he was certainly not streetwise to the problems concerning involvement with a married woman. David is recieving help from home. David problem is that his own government would not help him, I spoke to MJ the British consulate and got in touch with his local MP and didn't get much help or advice for David. Our own countries seemingly are not very helpful when things go wrong.

    The laws here are always favourable to the Filipino's and yes we ex-pats get the raw end of the stick, in fact thats so in most foriegn country throughout the world. Our own countries may be different when dealing with tourist and the laws maybe more agreeable.

    The Philippine Government does not of course care about the poor and wish to keep the status quo as its run by rich corrupt political clans. Tourist I agree are not treated very well and officals at airports can be d*mn rude.

    Everybody is after our money and we retired ex-pats come to stay here so we spend much less money on our daily needs and our pleasurers. Unfortunaly we are in a poverty stricken country thats run by those 6% that hold the nations wealth. Many of the poor look at us as being ATM's and see the dollar sign on our foreheads of course there are pits we can fall in and sensible people check things out before getting involved in anything, then take precausions.

    I have never gone anywhere in the world without checking what its really like there and for problems. I have also found that in most cases when I try to help someone thats in trouble they have lied to me and they really deserved to be in trouble like beating up on a women or someone in a womans family whilst drunk.

    One needs to take care in whom one helps or it can get embarrising and this place attracts many a bad guy. I have found that out by experience and I think thats why our own governments are unhelpful.
  4. Arie

    Arie DI Forum Adept

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    I guess what Babel-fish is saying makes sense, ppl should make sure they are informed about the laws and habits of the country.

    The guy was unlucky but going around assuming that laws and practices are like home (or are bend to you) is besides a little arogant a good way to get you in a lot of sh*t as well.

    I never had any trouble with officials in the Filipines (so far), just walk softly, the airport in Manila is just crap for everybody not specific for foreigners.
  5. babel-fish

    babel-fish DI Member

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    that make sense to me.
  6. anotherdane

    anotherdane DI Junior Member

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    something to think about

    and thnaks for the answer.
    Well after what you tell.there are somethign to think about when we wanna retire
    Ih ave been i nThailand many times and last time was in june. I was 2 weeks in Philippines. and it was so releasing feelign to put the feets on Thai ground again !¨

    Sorry to say so .
    bue yes its true Philipines are so poor and dirty. but many people are so nice.. and I prefer a filippino girl instead of a thai . BUt if the Politicians wish to Keep the country poor or dont care about its own people - then there is no ligth in the end of the tunnel.. are there no political partys who give the Philippines major poor people hope ??
    Its realy bad how it is - this country could really make a lot of money and build up welfare with masstourism ! But they dont care ! and japans fishers are emptying the oceans around for baby fish , , gready as japans are !
    Its so terrilbe whats going on in that country .. childrne so poor and every day is a fight for life.. to bad to bad
    The goverment officials treat foreigners like sh*t and unwelcommed guest !

    and on every site I read about the Philippine is 80% negative ! peopel who had negative or even very bad experiences !!" - Myabe it was the wrong place to decide to have my little place. and sail and fish,, fruit trees .. a nice lady -
    sorry but I ma really in doubt now. but I can not dissapoint the nice lady and her kind family Im eet there poor farmers working with thei bare hands. I never seen so much poverty before - anywhere...
    Cheap yes but ? for waht ?? nothing there is no developing .
    I see Thailand is very different place.. and very modern and safe place to travel and you are allways treated kind and gentle - also from officials

    hmm what now. ? go to Chambodja ? Laos ?
    Philippines- country of no hope
    poor people with a big heart - they deserve something better
    from Denmark - another place..
  7. babel-fish

    babel-fish DI Member

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    It looks like the best answer for you is to find a good loving filipina and take her to Thailand to live.

    Actual most filipino's keep themselves clean but cooking food is another matter and one has to make sure your protected against Hepatitis of which is rampant here in the Philippines.
  8. Arie

    Arie DI Forum Adept

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    To anotherdane:

    Sure there are local politicians who do see the benifits of foreigners and try to stimulate foreign investments and local development. Personaly I think the filipines has improved on many points over the years (drinking water for example).

    I did notice that filipino's seem more political aware than they used to be and sort of everybody I ran into wanted to talk with me what I thought about filipino politics and the situation the country was in. And that was a surprise since on past visits there seemed a complete lack of interests, locals seem to be extremly fed up with corruption.

    From trycle driver to higher middle class there seems to be serious unrest and a feeling they are getting ripped off by their own political elite. As a foreigner it is none of my buisness tbh and it is unwise to be too negative to somebody about their own country however disgrunted they are about it themselves (bit like you never talk bad about your mother in law however bad your wifes relation with her).

    I wonder what experiance you got with officials, myself I didn't have any serious one, it would not be bad to have some campaign for goverment officials to make them clear that they are servants of the people though. And make clear on the airport that they are the gate and the first and last impression people have of their country.

    It is a bit odd that filipino's seem friendly by nature but once they are in a public service job they seem dead serious and rigid. Still I did manage to get some to smile and drop the mask a bit, just be charming and avoid being agitated (eventhough the d*mn plane is hours late and you are locked up in terminal with way too little aircon and travel with some kids who are past patience before you even got in).
  9. Arie

    Arie DI Forum Adept

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    my filipina long gf opinino is a bit shorter lol

    'That *sshole/b@st@rd left his wife and he just wants money now and so do the police, the law ain't fair'
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