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building a two story house in dumaguete????

Discussion in '☋ Dumaguete City ☋' started by claire29, Aug 23, 2010.

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  1. firefly

    firefly DI Senior Member

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    That is always the case
  2. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Sounds really nice! Please post some pics when it is completed!
  3. biker

    biker DI New Member

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    hi claire, i know you're too excited about it, but be smart, dont spend too much out of your money when you get less around..there are a lot of contractor offer much cheaper than others..try to ask some of your friends outthere and compare..
  4. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Local Civil Engineer!

    :smile: Claire, Hi Jack P. here! I have asked my Brother in law if he will talk to you, he has not responded yet, I don't like to give out mail addresses with out permission so when he replies I will give the details and you can tell him what you are after. Other posts say it all, you must shop around but where WE can we will help you to get the best deal, never take the first GOOD price as we all know, sometimes the offer you can't refuse ends up in tears. Hang in there " Rome was not Built in a Day "

    Jack P. :smile:
  5. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

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    Another option for homebuilding here is what we did...

    get the plans, hire a foreman, laborers and tradesmen and do it yourself.

    Lotsa fun!
  6. OP

    claire29 DI Member

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    hello everybody,

    My family and I really appreciated all the informations that everybody are sharing. I hope to be a good source of information in the future once I will be able to build my own house. But as of now I am listening and considering all the advices and informations that everybody are giving to me. Thank you again gentlemen. We wish you a wonderful day. claire
  7. OP

    claire29 DI Member

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    Hi sir jack ,

    I sent you a PM but was not sure if you got it. But if you did not my apology. Just want to extend our inmost gratitude for your kindness. I will get in touch with you sir as soon as we are back in phil. Thanks again sir .

  8. OP

    claire29 DI Member

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    hello biker,

    Yes sir I absolutely agree with you. Thank you very much for the advice. And for sure nobody wants to end up in tears while building their house. hmmm to build a house is a big problem but to have not a house I think is worst hehehe thanks again sir good day.

  9. SteveB

    SteveB DI Forum Adept

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    In the title of your thread, you mentioned "Two Storey" house? I would like to offer an opinion on two storeys vs single storey homes. I had always wondered the difference in cost building a second storey, comparing the savings in roofing materials and trusses with building that second floor. Well, I am just completing my first-ever two storey house. I was really surprised at the additional costs associated with putting up that second floor. I followed the Philippine building code, which surprisingly follows closely the North American building requirements. This meant that, for my small, 104 sq mtr home, my columns and beams ended up about 25 X 35 cm with four 16mm rebar and four 12mm rebar. The footings had to be placed at 1.2 meters below natural ground level and were 1 meter square by 30cm thick. The upstairs floor had to be 6 inches thick with two layers of 12mm rebar. The additional cost of those materials alone, not to mention the time consumed digging the bigger footings, putting up the rebar, bending and installing all those stirrups, boxing in and pouring columns and beams, and the cost of all the coco lumber and plywood required for the forms plus the supports far outweighed any savings in roofing.

    Additionally, if you plan on spending your life in that house, a wise person mentioned to me that we do not get any younger, hehe, and must consider that one day, we may not like, nor be able to climb those 14 stairs to the second floor, thus leaving half of our house for visitors!

    So, in my humble opinion, if your lot size permits, a single storey would be much better in the long run.

    We have been looking into "slab-on-grade" building for our next house. That is a house basically build on a slab without really disturbing the ground beneath the house. This method is used in Canada where frost heaving causes big problems and it is still effective. This would provide considerable savings here in the Philippines, but, for some reason, it is not popular. For walls, one of my friends is considering "Shotcrete", a method of spraying concrete onto a reinforced Styrofoam paneled wall. This, surprisingly, is available from Cebu. Information on both of these techniques is available on the internet.

    Food for thought!

  10. OP

    claire29 DI Member

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    hello sir steve,

    Very sorry for this very late respond. I want to say thank you for the very good informations you gave to me in your last post. I was thinking also to build a one storey house if only I have much space. I have only 383 sq meters of land. And lets say that if i build 150 sq meters house it will eat almost all the area of the land. The fact is that my husband and I are very much interested on keeping a garden specially a vegetables garden. Since we eat almost veges all the time. And yes it is true that the standard of building a house in the philippines is similar to the standard of US of you comply all. It is good to have a house that is done well because it will last for ages. But for now we are still making alot of considerations on how to make the house. Anyway my family and I will have to wait until all our things here will be done. But the biggest consideration ofcourse is the budget if it will fit on our desired house. Because if not then we will be making adjustments until we can afford it but then still a good house. Thank you again sir and we wish you a nice.

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