There are many ways to use hardiflex. One possibility is to cover the joints with a (ready available) kind of fabric and fill it up with epoxy. Mostly it will crac after some time. Another way is to make frames of aluminum L-profiles (along the wall) and T-profiles in the centre and lay down the hardiflex-tiles. The advantage is that you always can reach the space above the hardiflex ceiling. This is only possible if you have all the rooms downtairs.
You can get plaster board/gypsum board in Philippines, but beware of humidity problems and water leaks. Standard -Core- Plasterboard
Cement board construction panels Does anyone have any knowledge of a product that is styrofoam sandwiched between cement board panels? It is used exclusively on the exterior of the building and provides insulation as well as being very durable for the climate in Philippines. Dean
I think you're describing insulated concrete panels. They are probably available via Manila or Cebu. They are also mentioned on this website. Philippine home- and commercial building construction.
Interesting AntiX. I heard of it before I think but would like to hear from someone who had used it in their own house: how it really performs and if it's worth the higher cost.
As you can see on their website: We do not sell the panels; we design/build as a complete service since skilled-experienced labor is necessary This makes it only possible for large commercial buildings.
I read also this on their website: For Commercial and Residential Philippine Buildings Furthermore do some of the pics not look like commercial buildings. I'm quite sure it is used for residential houses but need to find someone who has a house build with it. But I know their email address, so I will ask them (and my own Partner )