Just wanted to share a little info with all or you. Approximately 2 months ago I went to a dentist here is is quite popular with most of the expats I know. She seems alright the first visit and was well informed on most topics. I had a root canal done which she left open (?) to help in draining an abcess. 8 days later I returned to have another root canal on the adjacent tooth. She advised that the tooth was too far gone for a root canal and advised we pull it. We could later make a bridge to fill the gap. I agreed, and she pulled it. What she neglected to do was put me on antibiotice for the rrequired 5 to 7 days before pulling the tooth. Whe broke it into pieces before pulling it and also split my gum. The infection spread troughout my entire body. I was on drugs for 12 days before I could get out of the house to see my doctor. She ordered blood tests and found I was still full of infection. I took antibiotics for another 5 days before my blood levels where below the prescribed limits. She told me I was lucky it didn't affect my heart or brain. At any rate, all of you need to be forewarned not to trust just anyone with your health here. I told my wiffe it would be terrible to have survived everything I've endured in my lifetime to then die from an abcessed tooth. If you want any further info on this matter, please contact me offlist. dustylane53@yahoo.com Regards, Gary
Oh my god sounds bad !, i think you were lucky !,this happened to a afriend of mine in the UK, he was not so lucky and it affected his heart, he had to have major surgery to survive !! Hope my teeth hold out longer than i do !!!:D
Glad you're alright Dustylane, please, next time you have a full-body infection, put down those drugs and go see that doctor! You might not be so lucky next time. I also have heard there's an N.A. group right here in town. Please, ask around and get with those people, they can help.
Wow Dusty so sorry to hear that, normally the Doctors here over prescribe antibiotics. Now that we are on the subject, I know a 65 year old guy without a blemish or a filling in his head (teeth). His trick is brushing with hydrogen peroxide. I was skeptical until I did some research. I found many dentists that recommend it. My teeth are in good shape but I had 1 very sensitive to cold. Now my teeth are whiter even tho I smoke and the pain is gone. I just coat my teeth with it and hold it in while I shower. Ron
Wow Gary, who'd have thought going to the dentist could be so life threatening? Good you shared your story.
H2O2 is used since a long time, most toothpastes have parts in it, but the concentration need to be considered very carefully. Already from 0.1 it can damage the tooth enamel like brushing teeth with sandpaper (also whitens them BTW) H2O2 also affects any other seals you have in your mouth. From 5% on you can create problems with your respiratory system if you accidentally swallow or breath through your mouth. I used H2O2 when I was 20 to bleach a wisdom tooth I used as a necklace after it got extracted in almost full size... Anyway, hope the OP recovers fully. All the best
Tks Rhoody, The concentration here is 4% and I forgot to mention I have been doing it only 2 times per week and not swallowing it. Please let me know if you have any trustworthy web sites when you have time. Ron
I did a research for it for one of my German sites a few years back. at that time I contacted my dentist in Germany who was responsible for my total renovation and for the whole-drilling in the wisdom tooth for my necklace. He worked in a University clinic in Erlangen/Germany and wrote for medical print-magazines. not sure if I still have his article and sources he send me but I will have a look if time permit
Depending how busy you've been but I am very eager to read the article you're referring to. So thx a lot in advance for all your efforts to retrieve it.