dgte 15-20 yrs ago on respect if you respect your neighbor he will reciprocate such,respect is earned not demanded,Filipinos are respectful people but they are human beings also,do unto others if you don't like it to be done to you
Provider! I think you miss the point here, We all know that Filipinos are respectful in the main, I was pointing out that there is not as much respect as there was 15/20 years ago. Just a one off here, My Nephew always called me Uncle Peter, His son calls me The Dick Head Foreigner. Now this is what I mean. Is this the respect I deserve! Did I earn that dis-respect, certainly did not demand it. Ask a Youngster to-day to be less noisy in the Internet Cafe, Cinema or Remind them it was your turn to be served before them and see what respect you are shown. This My Friend, is what I mean by less respect. and if you can't see that, you really should get out more. Jack P.
Right on. I've seen the changed downward in the last ten years, and have mentioned it to others. It's probably going to get worse before it's gets better?
well this is the trend, it all boils down to family training, if ever they belong to a family,but still i will believe and think that the real Filipinos are not those staying in the urban areas like dgte,but go to the towns, barangay,barrios, maybe because of Identity crisis still that we have , because of outside influences,maybe the guy that said this to you are one of those problematic guys now that does not have objective in life but to be that ,and he thinks its cool..... tks
This seems to be the trend world wide. People everywhere are becoming less civil. Try asking a group of kids in the States to turn down the music or not to jump the line. Things change over time and not always for the best.
agree, as long as they don't touch you , and bother you , they can drop dead ,will not give a dam.. tks
Hi there, my first trip to Dumaguete was back in 1987. The bouleward was there. The Why Not was there(But it was called Music Box) And all the young nice ladies there are grannies now. The worst problem then, was waiting in line for 2 hours to change a 100 dollar bill at PNB. Also I remember when driving from Sibulan town to San Jose, there was almost no houses there. Now it's houses all the way. And lots was really cheap. And 1 dollar was worth 18 Peso. And I was young and handsome. Which I still am. I married then, and I am still married, even to same Pinay. But now we only come there about every 2-3 years. Hope this information is useful--lol. OK take care-- bye bye. There is nothing like a big warm caring thight knit family--Living on another island.