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Dirty greasy men

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by psouthan, Aug 3, 2008.

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  1. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Doesn't that describe pretty much every man on this planet? Women or money, we are never satisfied. :D

    Have you asked them? :wink:

    For some, it is obviously money or the possibility for an American passport. That alone gives an any @ss enough of a pool to work with.
  2. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    It was a rhetorical question. :wink:

  3. babel-fish

    babel-fish DI Member

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    When I see loads of old men with beautiful young women, swearing and getting drunk and behaving like idiots. My first thoughts are sex tourists. Then I think to myself well I have a young girl friend and we live together in sin. Perhaps people look at me as being a sex tourist.

    I came here to retire, to paint and write and in fact I have wrote many articles on the dirty old men problem in the Philippines.

    The main problem is the Filipino's type caste all of us ex-pats with being americans that smoke and drink and womanise. This is all due to the sex tourist that out number the decent polite moral standard guys.

    But what is moral standard, I am a sinner but at least I sin with only one sex partner of whom I love dearly.

    Hey Joe - get the picture
  4. atlargex

    atlargex DI Forum Adept

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    all men are created equal

    I wouldn't be so harsh on yourselves...IMO, Foreigner's thirst for women here in the Philippines or anywhere are no more or less than the native men....local men with cash don't behave much better either nor do they smoke or drink any less. The only difference is that most women here like in any other country tend to be attracted to those with big wallets......and most foreigners here does have bigger wallets.

  5. babel-fish

    babel-fish DI Member

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    I know, I have been studying the culture. I also have a very sexy wallet, lol
  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Whoa! Hang on!

    First off, it appears that Filipino's aren't the only people type casting here. When you see a sex tourist you are type casting just as much as a Filipino. You are judging people you don't know.

    What does getting drunk, swearing, smoking and acting like an idiot have to do with sex tourism? I would bet there are a lot of sex tourists who are among the smartest travelers of anyone, and understand the culture well.

    Why do you assume that because people act this way they are sex tourists? Why do you think they have multiple partners?

    Lets be clear here, by many peoples definition, you too are a sex tourist.

    Your definition of moral standard seems to come right out of the moral standard market. You choose what you like from the shelves and leave a happy person. Or maybe you borrowed your view of moral standards from Burger King and "have it your way." :D
  7. babel-fish

    babel-fish DI Member

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    I was talking about the people that I know, mostly the americans in Cebu that sit in the SM, but I also see a few here in Negros Oriental. Of course I am type casting and these bloody people make me very mad, when I hear the locals talk about us, they certainly do place us all in the same pigeon hole.

    My moral standards and manners were taken from my english cultural upbringing and some what lost whilst I was in the military where I learn to swear and act like my peers. Thankfully I have held on to my good manners and respect for the opposite sex.

    But of course I am an old man living with a young women within a Christian society (I am an atheist myself). I am certaily breaking christian morals and possibly can be classified as a sex tourist, shame on me. I however did not come here looking for women or to visit the places of sin or do what seemingly most ex-pats do in the Philippines sleep around with all and sundry. Then there are those that have wifes that cheat regularly.

    Yes I think many ex-pats and tourist give us a bad name. I no so I speak the local tongue and hear the Filipino remarks. Thankfully I have found good friends here that have some values and self pride left and thankfully there are more decent folk here on this Island than in Cebu or Manila.

    Oh and I am no angel myself but I try to be.

    Acting like idiots? maybe I should of said touching the women and issuing sexual insults and insulting Filipino's. I certaily did not mean joking and having a good time.

    I am definatly not a holy than though sort of guy.
  8. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    I just wanted to throw in a post to defend the unwashed masses. Sometimes drinking and acting like a fool is great plans for a Friday night. :D

    And I'm not saying you are wrong. As I said before either in this thread or another, it drives me crazy to see when people feel they have to defend their own lifestyle. So what you are with a young girl? That is great you have found someone, don't talk about being a sinner because of it.

    I'm sure you are right though. I'm still counting down the days until I will be there myself (no many left) and I'm sure I will be just as pissed when I see it.
  9. babel-fish

    babel-fish DI Member

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    I don't feel guilty and my partner actually preferes not to be married its her decision and not mine.
  10. blackline

    blackline DI Forum Adept

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    From My point of wiew it is some kinda coward act to go around and "lay down" females in the PH for a person like me or similar.Walking around like a "money tree" for them. Also when I was young and single, cheap "victory's" was not wanted.

    The last thing I would do is to go around and give someone a fake hopes. Even though I was capable of.
    As of now I am married, So it will will be a double reason to say no.
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