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Do we stay or do we go?

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by firefly, Dec 27, 2010.

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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Hard to argue with all the + and - points made in the above posts. For me, life is good now; however, I try not to look ahead 10 or 20 years (hopefully) when I require medical attention. Because when I do, I think of the ambulances wailing up south hiway and into the traffic maze and realize one day I may be the rider. Then, without medical insurance what happens... So for now there isn't a positive answer so as I push those thoughts out of my mind and pour another glass of vino rouge.
  2. KTM

    KTM DI Senior Member

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    Think the main problem is 'over breeding' myself, when I first came here, the population of this country was under 60 million, last year's census put it 90+ million with another 11 million abroad working etc. Doubt any other country in the world has had higher birth rates over the last 25 years.
  3. OP

    firefly DI Senior Member

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  4. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    You are wrong Surfin usa.
    It is cheaper in "PI" Gas is much cheaper so is land,food,booze,transportation,ETC. Electric only the same, give a few watts here or there.
  5. RonEtue

    RonEtue DI Member

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    Stay in Belgium...... the scandal free country!
  6. RonEtue

    RonEtue DI Member

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    Philhealth cost 1200 pesos per year...only for inpatients and pays in most cases up to 50% of the bill. We can't afford to be without it. Also covers your spouse for the same price.
    VA hospitals is available in Manila and on the Island Guam.

    So, it is not that bad.

  7. RonEtue

    RonEtue DI Member

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    Part of the problem is the Chatolic Church being against birth control. Let the condoms and the birth control pill be part of all filipinos life and let the wifes handle the irresponsible men making there wifes pregnant over and over. FREE CONDOMS for all in Philippines..... and sex education early in school to avoid pregnant Teenagers because they are still children. Let education and a responsible living be number one, and let the young people mature before they are thinking about marriage and pregnancy.

  8. guitarjohnjohn

    guitarjohnjohn DI Member

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    if this country means to emerge from the curse of the 3rd world, they must learn to revere their land respect and conserve their water and LEARN HOW TO HANDLE THEIR GARBAGE ....i cant stand to see the waterways full of garbage and piles of it in the streets and on the beach. this is one of the main impediments to my desire to move here. don't know if there is any way to raise awareness and concern among the locals---later JL
  9. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    "So everybody here has their own opinion, so I'll throw mine in for what it's worth.
    I think that the majority of those that leave were, and will be, those that expected too much before and after they came here.
    I think that they wanted all of the comforts of "home" for a fraction of the cost. I think they expected to live like kings without loosing anything of what they had back "home". That is not going to happen anywhere on this earth.
    If you move to a country that has a low cost of living, then you must learn to do without what you had before in many ways.
    Over-expectation is the killer of many dreams about here.
    So many of my former friends in the US can't live there financially, but when they question me about here, I get repeated "oh, I couldn't live without my (whatever)"
    I have been here one year on Jan. 7, and I have learned to do without a multitude of things that I had in Houston. The list is too long to even list here, and it started with a long HOT shower every morning and every night. Not to mention not having my pillow-top king mattress.
    But I expected all of this having spent between one and two hours on chat with Mae for 10 months every single evening. She told me what I would have and what I would have to do without.
    To be honest, it was really better than the picture that my wife painted of life here.
    I don't expect, therefore I don't miss.
    Sure, I lost and/or gave up a lot.....a whole lot.....to move here. But it was ALL offset with my gains.
    I have had to adjust to a new culture and new ways of doing things, but I have adjusted.
    I have learned not to watch NASCAR every Sunday afternoon. I have learned that I really don't need 125 tv channels. I have learned that I really don't need to carry a concealed handgun every time I go somewhere. I have learned that my Kawasaki Rouser 200 is a great substitute for my Harley Superglide.
    As for my gains, again, too numerous to list.
    Of course, it starts with my wife. After 11 and a half months, I can't imagine having to give myself a bath. Or being alone. Or waking up without her next to me. Or eating in fast-foot joints 3 times a day. Or fighting Houston rush-hour traffic for almost 4 hours a day. Or not being loved very deeply.
    As Manzanita said, the US is on a downhill slide in my opinion. It was time to leave for those of us that can/could, and those of us that can live "without" some must have items.
    Sure, the Philippines have a LOT of faults, but compaired to what/where? Would anyone like to tell me that the US doesn't have just as many faults, but maybe of a different nature.
    As for me, leaving here today, next year or 10 years from now never crosses my mind.
    The Philippines is my home, and just like my wife and I said on Feb. 24, 2010 "for better or for worse"
    again, just my personal opinion folks......."


    Well said Ron! ^^^
  10. echir

    echir DI Forum Adept

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    I would have wanted to say this but afraid of the reactions of other forumers...but yes, I believe that the Catholic church is part of the problem. Look at the countries where Catholicism is the main religion such as the Latin American countries and the Philippines vis a vis countries where Catholicism is not the main religion such as the US, Germany, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, etc. And you will know what I mean.
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