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Do you have medicare?

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by jerrygreen25, Jan 9, 2010.

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  1. garbonzo

    garbonzo DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Might be a long wait - Mexico still looks years away from getting coverage for retirees and you'd think they'd be the highest priority.

    Medicare in Mexico
  2. Steve4910

    Steve4910 DI Member

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    Show some respect Gass

    Gass, My filipino family consists of doctors, lawyers,teachers, nurses, and engineers from an upper class level that is highly respected in Dumaguete city. Even the mayor comes to our house for visits. My family is a very caring and loving one that does not look at what's in my wallet. Just because you are a foreignor, you need to stop looking down at filipinos because they are not your little brown brothers. I must assume that you married into a poor class of family that needs your help more than ever. Don't assume the worst from filipinos, because they are good people just trying to survive in a bad situation. I feel offended of your comments and you should watch what you say to other people.
  3. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    The latest on Obamacare......

    By Michael Arnold Glueck

    Updated: Monday, March 1, 2010 10:01 PM PST

    In previous opinion pieces in the Pilot, I have noted that most physicians are not against health-care reform, but they do want sensible reform that does not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

    Three days before Thursday’s media event, the president’s proposal was released.

    These 11 pages do not start with a blank sheet of paper, as some recommended, but with the 2,000-page Senate bill.

    The $100 billion added to the price tag is but one-tenth of the total $1 trillion. This is not real money residing in a lock box in Washington.

    The House, Senate and president set different income thresholds and percentages of income that people will have to pay in premiums for their mandated health plan. This is a low-wage trap: If your earnings exceed a certain threshold, all of your extra income will be sucked into the health plan. That is like a 100% marginal tax rate.

    Remember that this is not about expanding medical care: The reformers think that we already get 30% too much.

    A sophisticated computer infrastructure can keep track of eligibility. The computer can tell whether your ethnic group, region or age group has already had its fair share of knee replacements, CT/MRI scans, coronary artery stents and so on.

    Price controls reduce spending by creating scarcity of supply. The president’s proposal adds price controls for insurance premiums. Yes, you can keep your plan — if it still exists.

    And you can keep your doctor — if he’s still in practice. A survey by Investor’s Business Daily suggested that under ObamaCare, 45% of doctors would quit. In a recent informal survey by the Assn. of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), fewer than 30% of physicians said they would voluntarily participate in a public plan similar to Medicare.

    Two-thirds of respondents to the AAPS survey said they were not advising their children to go to medical school.

    Your doctor will have less time to spend with you. Dealing with the government-imposed computerized record might take up 25% or more of the doctor’s time. Then there’s time spent collecting information pertaining to eligibility such as your exact ethnic group and lifestyle.

    A new favorite word is “strengthen,” which means increasing the power of government.

    It’s all part of “change” from confidential sickness care by physicians to public “health care” by minimally trained “providers” trying to regiment society.

    Once done it will be impossible to get undone.
  4. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

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    What does this BULL sh*t have to do with life in Dumaguete.
  5. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Having a hard day are we? :D

    It has EVERYTHING to do with ones life in Dumaguete if one is an AMERICAN!

    If you're not. than ignore this thread! If you are, WISE UP!
  6. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

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    I'm an American and a vet and received care from the VA for years and I now have medicare part A,B, and D also a supplemental insurance policy, none of this helps me in Dumaguete where I pay 100% out of pocket.

    Check your sources. The author of this piece is a political hack. He is the past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons which claims to be non partisan but which has no credibility within the larger medical community. It has a membership of 6000 one of whom is Ron Paul and it is consistently anti medicare, anti medicade, anti FDA and pro life. They publish a journal as most professional groups do but their articles are never quoted by any of the major journals and the misinformation published in it have been consistently debunked.
  7. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    How is that for check your sources. Sounds like someone knows how to fact check. So fish do I take it that you want to impose american policy on the PI. Good luck with that. If we cannot get a public option, forget the "required" insurance crap unless we also require every doctor in the country to accept all insurance, that is the "requirement" I would like to see become policy. Also even though I too plan to retire in the PI I would not expect american insurance to be extended to the PI. It is not economicly feasable. I want to retire in the PI because I love my family, I dont for a minute believe it is or should be a retirement haven unless you are able to except a lower standard. If you love every thing you have in the states then I would recomend one just stay there. At least there are paved roads and bridges to sleep under. If you want insurance or Medicare extended to expats, then guess what, we have to pay for it with, ready for it.... tax/revenue increases.
  8. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    What you guys are missing with the whole thing is that:

    With mandated insurance:

    1) Your taxes will be significantly higher whether you live here or there and whether you use the "coverage" or not!

    2) Waiting time and availability of medical care will be greatly reduced, like it or not

    Do you really want to be forced into having worse coverage, waiting longer for what you do get, and have limited choices all while you are being forced to pay for it?

    THAT IS MY POINT! Medicaire or not! Living here or in the U.S.! Get it???

    And, by the way, just because you don't like the source doesn't mean what he is saying is not accurate!
  9. Kenny

    Kenny DI Forum Adept

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    This is my point! 30 million Americans are without health care insurance. Many of them die needlessly because of this. The emergency rooms are filled with non emergency patients who have no where else to go because they don't have insurance. By law they can't be turned away. The next time you see a $100 aspirin on your hospital bill this is why. As an American and a citizen of the wealthiest country in the world I am totally embarrassed by this. Basically I don't like to see our dirty laundry hung out in public for all the world to see.

    As far as Dr. Glueck goes he trots out every fear line they have. I wonder how the ethnic rationing he talks about is going to work. Would they limit the care to black people and other minorities or would they put limits on care for whites. The age rationing is one I find interesting. Do you think we will have to fly back to the States to meet with our death panels or do you think we could do it at the embassy maybe when we renew our passports. What fool in this day and age would claim that switching to computer record keeping would be an inefficiency. My primary care doc at the VA could bring up all my lab tests, X rays, specialist consultations, and full record of any surgery I had on his own desktop with just a few keystrokes. Prescriptions were transmitted directly to the pharmacy and in clear script so the chances of mistakes are greatly reduced. My doc here still keeps paper records and believe me she doesn't save any time doing it.

    The surveys used by Glueck to bolster is arguments were done by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons of which he is a past president. Just do a quick google search on them.

    I'm done here.
  10. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    The VA and Medicaire have no comparison to what they are planning. Healthcare is already "rationed" and will be further rationed if and when Obamacare ever happens. What they are proposing is not a fix, buy a giant step backward in healthcare! If it was simple, straightforward, and cost effective why does it need 2,000 pages of legislation?

    With a 1.3 TRILLION $$ cost and WAY higher taxes it will destroy the way of life in the U.S. as we know it. Will you be able to live on 30-40% of your earnings after taxes? Most Americans won't!
    The tax rate in socialized Europe averages around 70% with some approaching 90%!!

    Have you donated to a hospital lately? How about the line on your federal taxes where it asks if you would like to "donate"? Would you rather voluntarily "donate" or be forced to "donate" to a woefully inefficient and wasteful federal government?

    It never ceases to amaze me when people "care" about the healthcare of others yet are unwilling to voluntarily donate their $$ to help them and would rather be forced to give $$ to the government!!
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