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Dumaguete Restaurants

Discussion in '☋ Dumaguete City ☋' started by The Dane, Dec 22, 2006.

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  1. connoisseur

    connoisseur DI Member

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    I think Dumaguete has a lot of "ok" restaurants (ex. Rosante, Coco Amigo's, Don Atilano, Mamias, Fhu Garden) but I'd have to say only one surpasses the ok barrier to a GOOD restaurant, which is the Le Chalet at Why Not (Music Box). I think they serve the best food here in Dumaguete Hands Down. They also expand their menu from time to time so as to avoid customers getting weary of their food. Or at least that's what I think. Though I must say, ambiance and service wise, I think Don Atilano takes the cake Hands Down. I just wish there was a David's Steakhouse here(anybody here tried their steaks?...located in cebu....best steaks and lamb chops i've tried my whole life....and I've had my share of those) as well as a Dad's/Saisaki Buffet Restaurant/s and a Flame It Fastfood Restaurant among lots of others lacking here (I hope they decide to branch out here soon). :D
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    The Dane

    The Dane DI Senior Member

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    Restaurants in Dumaguete - My Top 5

    Le Chalet used to be very good but took a turn for the worse in my opinion, our last 2-3 visits there were pretty bland to say the least.

    Ants in the salad bar and dressings 2 out of the 3 times... And the food quality went down a lot. We wont be back any time soon.

    MY top 5 as of now:

    1) Persian Palate
    This is great and inexpensive food, the restaurant interior is not the most cozy and you gotta wake the staff up sometimes, but we love the food in here, especially just ordering a bunch of small dishes and then picking out from them :smile:

    2) Haya Hay
    Great seafood and great pizza, I like the surroundings out there as well, and some of the live music they play. This place went down a little as well with the fresh seafood, they used to have a lot more available live, now most of it is frozen. But still up there on the Dumaguete Restaurant scene.

    3) Don Atilanos
    Either side of this restaurant as they both carry same menus, we usually sit in the Japanese end and order form the steak house menu :smile:... Our favorite here is the Italian Deli Platter and the Caesar + Chixken Oriental Salad. The menu in this place is huge, so you wont get tired of their food. This place dropped from 2 to 3 because the Italian Deli platter has been out of stock for 3+ months.

    4) Boston Market
    This is a great little place, very inexpensive food, their pastas are great and the herbs they use are fresh which gives the food a great flavor. I really like the pork chop they serve in here. I do not care much for their pizza in Boston Market though, local cheap cheese can kill any pizza.

    5) Coco Amigos
    Down from a hard 1st place, I like the food in here, but you gotta fight for it, I have not had a visit here in a long time without seeing at least 1 rat and several cockroaches, that just puts me off. On my last visit here I sat at the bar waiting for my food when I saw a rat run under a table full of Koreans, I pointed it out to the staff and got this reply: "Its ok, they do not bite, they are used to people" and "What can we do, it is the Boulevard"

    To top it off they have now taken down the big screen TV we used to love watching music DVDs on while having a cold brew, so hard drop to 4th place for Coco Amigos.

    For cakes, there is no place like Sans Rival... hmmm is it San Rival or Sans Rival... I forgot...

    But their blueberry cheese cakle and their dates and walnuts makes everybody nuts :smile:

    That is my current take in the Dumaguete Restaurants, and as I always say - Trust the fat guy on food!!!
  3. pickled_newt

    pickled_newt DI Forum Patron

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    This is a good topic ,thanks for your opinion /review of the restaurants Dane and connoiseur,this is helpful .
  4. eddy

    eddy DI Member

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    Dane if the rats were real nasty in coco amigos it would have lost 5th place yes? ratatouille with rice delicious
  5. OP
    The Dane

    The Dane DI Senior Member

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    Well, if you spend the night in there dinner and beers afterwards odds are 9 out of 10 you will see their pets :smile:

    They should have lost their #5 spot over this, but I still like the staff and the food in there...

    Gross but true :smile:
  6. pickled_newt

    pickled_newt DI Forum Patron

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    Well , few bottles of SMB or liquor will blurr the eyesight and confused the taste buds then everything will just be as delicious as ever for bit of ratatouille:D
    ...a dose of protein .
  7. Cyndi

    Cyndi DI Member

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    My vote is certainly the Persian Palate! But I also loved the tradional filipino food served at the outdoor restaurant in the back of Lee's Plaza down town. Their prices and quality food and wonderful, outdoor decor can't be beat!

  8. Columbo

    Columbo DI Junior Member

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    Where is Persian Palate?
  9. filipina42

    filipina42 DI Junior Member

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    Re: The Dane's Top 5

    I like this thread so I'm pushing it back up:smile: I agree with four of The Dane's choices: Persian Palate, Hayahay, Don Atilano's and Coco Amigos.

    I used to go to Boston Market but I stopped going. I wrote about the "experience." See it for yourself here! In the place of that, I would choose either Carmine's or Le Chalet, probably the latter.

    Mr. D's at Silliman Ave. deserves a special mention. They allow us to eat well even on a budget. The eat-all-you-can for 88/98 pesos weekdays/weekends always makes me a hero in the kids' eyes.
  10. filipina42

    filipina42 DI Junior Member

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    Re: The Dane's Top 5

    I like this thread so I'm pushing it back up:smile: I agree with four of The Dane's choices: Persian Palate, Hayahay, Don Atilano's and Coco Amigos.

    I used to go to Boston Market but I stopped going. I wrote about the "experience." See it for yourself here! In the place of that, I would choose either Carmine's or Le Chalet, probably the latter.

    Mr. D's at Silliman Ave. deserves a special mention. They allow us to eat well even on a budget. The eat-all-you-can for 88/98 pesos weekdays/weekends always makes me a hero in the kids' eyes.
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