in my experience, a Filipino offering a handshake comes just prior to him aksing me to buy him a beer, or...
I was raised in a home with little affection, so I was a bit shy to hug and kiss. That all disappeared after my 6 years in the Philippines. Very friendly! Handshaking is a common greeting. I soon learned that hugs and kisses are very common, too!!
I was raised in a family of little affection also. Good people realy other than that. All this hugging stuff going on everywhere on TV even and such is a huge turn off to me. I amy shake your hand but don't even think about a hug. Not my thing. It 's kind of O.K. if it's a woman in most cases but no way with a man. That hugging man to man to me is over the edge and you can glean from that what you will. I know what some of you may be thinking guys but don't even post your thoughts, because they are B.S.. Cheers.
I don't like shaking hands and don't understand why we do should do it. Am I really worried you might be hiding a sword to stab me with? I usually find that Filipinos shake hands if you initiate it but they don't seem to think it is necessary either.
What nobody has mentioned is the "mano," the gesture of respect from a younger to an elder, even from a teen or 20s or 30 yr old to his or her elderly grandparents. Have never seen it elsewhere. Very friendly. And i do shake hands a lot...
I too grew up shaking hands. But, if you think about it. Isn't it just the way to spread germs. Not saying I am a germaphobe. But, there would probably be a lot less passing of germs and illnesses if handshaking were not a thing. The Thais, Laotians, Cambodians, Indians all Wai each other. Maybe that is the way to go. "Just saying".
True - along with handling coins, touching door handles, breathing in the air and droplets exhaled by others, kissing. P.S. And that s*x thing ('internal handshaking').